Saturday, April 20, 2024

Day One: The Places Of Importance

 Keyscripture for this bible plan is 1 Sam 17. I want to encourage you to read it beforehand and do some self study as well. 

1 Sam 17: 1Now the Philistines gathered their armies together to battle, and were gathered at Sochoh, which belongs to Judah; they encamped between Sochoh and Azekah, in Ephes Dammim. 2And Saul and the men of Israel were gathered together, and they encamped in the Valley of Elah, and drew up in battle array against the Philistines. 3The Philistines stood on a mountain on one side, and Israel stood on a mountain on the other side, with a valley between them.

Sochoh was a city of the tribe of Juda (Josh 15:35) and located 14 miles west of Bethlehem in the foothills of the Judean Mountains. In 2 Chron 28:19 it was captured by the Philistines, and they settled there.

For the Lord brought Judah low because of Ahaz, king of Israel, for he had encouraged moral decline in Judah and had been continually unfaithful to the Lord.

The enemy is always looking for a place to settle. It wants to steal your joy and inheritance. It is not satisfied of staying on the sidelines. Your enemy brings the fight right into your midst and settles.

The name Sochoh means hedge or thicket; weaving a protective barrier to keep you trapped. The Philistines understood the importance of hedges and settling. However, before you think this story has ended before it has begun, hold on to your seat.

In Micah 2: 12-13, God gave us a clue in how to break through the hedge.

“I will surely assemble all of you, O Jacob, I will surely gather the remnant of Israel; I will put them together like sheep of the fold, Like a flock in the midst of their pasture; They shall make a loud noise because of so many people. 13The one who breaks open will come up before them; They will break out, Pass through the gate, And go out by it; Their king will pass before them, With the Lord at their head.”

If you are part of the remnant, then Christ; the good shepherd will break open the hedge and lead His flock out into the field. Christ will be in front. Showing the way. Meaning, when you think you have lost, God will show you the way. He will break the hedge by using a David. What kept you at bay will break before God’s mighty hand. Before any sword has been lifted, the battle had been won.

But the key here is that you must know God’s voice. It is in the knowing that you will follow Christ through the hedge into victory.

Azekah means cultivated ground and was a fortified city during the time of the judges. It was a place of refuge for many. It had seen many battles and a few miraculous interventions. Staying in this city, you know you are well protected.

Ephes Dammin means the boundary of blood. It serves as a reminder of ancient struggles and the boundary where bloodshed occurred—a poignant marker in biblical history.

Saul and his men camped in the Valley of Elah. It was the opposite of Sochoh. They were out in the open. The valley is a low place. They were not protected.

The root of the word Elah can be described as a place of foolishness, or a failure to live up to cognitive standards or common codes of conduct. It also means worthlessness or a worthless thing.

Saul could have stayed in Azekah. That would have given them an eagle’s view, but he camped in the valley where they felt worthless and foolish. Being in this place set Israel up for failure. It held them in captivity before they began.

The very reason Goliath could play with their minds and get the upper hand so easily.

But, you see, they needed a remnant; one who is unafraid to break the hedge. He has put them together, broken the hedge, and passed through it into victory. He led the way.

David is a picture of Christ that shows us the way out and when Goliath’s head rolled, the hedge was broken, fear and despair were demolished, and the Philistines scattered.

They were not settled in Sochoh anymore because there was no hedge they could use.

When you trust in God, when you know the good shepherd’s voice, you have the victory already. Christ has shown you the way. Fear and despair cannot hold you once you know His voice. The battle is the Lord’s, and the victory is yours.

Get to know his voice. How do you do that? By reading and studying the word. By spending time with God. Being obedient is the first step to your victory.

Whatever you face, know that God is with you. He is already there. You don’t have to listen to the lies or stay in the low country. You can go higher, there where the eagles fly.

Grace and peace to you.

Friday, April 19, 2024

A 12 Day Bible plan: The Lessons we Learn from David and Goliath and How to overcome Despair and Fear.

A 12 Day Bible plan by Lynelle Clark 


Key scripture: 1 Sam 17 (KJV)

David and Goliath story had captured the minds of many children, warriors, and believers. It is a story of war, dedication, and unwavering faith in an unseen God.

However, the story of David and Goliath reveals more than what we read in the key scripture of this bible plan. It takes us from the charismatic into the apostolic sphere with precision and unwavering fear. We are called to do mighty exploits in God’s name. We can relinquish our despair and fear and walk into battle with the right mindset.

The symbolic significance of this confrontation in the history of Israel gives us a deeper look into our own life and how to face the battle within. This is a battle where you have to choose your war tools carefully. It is also important to wear the correct armour, otherwise you will be caught off guard.

You are ready to face your fears when you face your Goliath.

The twelve-day bible plan is devised to fall in love with God’s word again. God’s word will give you the mandate to operate as an exact representative of God on this earth. A remnant called to obey, to overcome and lead others to victory.

I want to invite you on this journey of discovery as you learn the truths and the practical application to overcome. There might be many unfamiliar phrases you haven’t heard before and don’t understand, but I want to invite you to reach out and ask.

The Apostolic movement is not for the fainthearted but for the equipping of the saints to lead us back to Christ, our final destination.

Grace and peace to you. 

Hephzibeula Intercontinental Ministries: H.I.M. 

Day One / 

Monday, December 4, 2023

Gala-naweek 30 Nov - 03 Des 2023

Tien weke van sweet, en die afwagting na die Gala-naweek, het hoogty gevier die afgelope paar weke.

Skrywers en digters moes behoorlik klippe kou of was dit nou woorde rond skoffel om in aanmerking te kon kom vir die naweek se vyfster bederf, en nou bly net herinneringe oor. Nuwe bande was gesmee hande gevat met bekendes, legendes en wenners. 

Hartlik dankie aan Louis en Dezzi Liebenberg vir jul opofferings om ander se lewens te verreik. Bande is opnuut versterk en nuwe planne gesmee wat belowe om nog groter te gaan. Die man is net nie bang vir enige uitdaging nie. Dezzi se borrelende geaardheid, en sagte hart het almal aangeraak. 

Nicky van Heerden, Ronelle Kleynhans en hul span se reëlings was perfek. Niks was ontsien om van die geleentheid 'n treffer te maak nie. Jul harde werk en omgee word opreg waardeer.

Elke mede-beoordelaar en Die Waarheid Media (Dirk, Letitia, Sonja en span), dankie vir nog 'n geslaagde kompetisie en ook jul harde werk net sodat die digters en skrywers erkenning kan kry en dan nog heerlik bederf kon word. 

Khaya Ibhubesi personeel: jul diens was onverbeterlike, jul vriendelikheid en gasvryheid plus die heerlike etes was die room van die naweek. Alles was professioneel en uit die boonsterakke. 

Hoogtepunte was te veel om op te noem maar almal was dit eens, Oom Koos Roets en Eunice Visser het die vyfster in 'n lushof van woord-plesier gemaak. Net om in hul teenwoordigheid te kon wees was al klaar 'n wenprys. Charl-Pierre Naudé en Fanie de Villiers (Kleinboer), wat 'n voorreg om weer te kon gesels rondom 'n heerlike ete. Jul sterre sal nog verder skyn as net die grense van ons land.

Gala Naweek deur Lynelle Clark

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Boek Vrystelling: Verlore Gisters deur Lynelle Clark


Genre: Misterieuse Spanningsverhaal

Uitgewer: Ns. Skrywershuis Publikasies

Novelle: 25058 woorde

ISBN: 978-1-7764392-8-7

Bladsye: 85





Die Kennis van Goed en Kwaad is die dryfveer van Verlore Gisters. In ons daaglikse keuses berus die besluit by ons watter een sal seëvier. Kies ons verkeerd, wel, dan moet ons die prys betaal. Die vraag is wat sal jy doen om jou kind se nagedagtenis in ere te herstel? 

Bertha Geldenhuis se lewe het ’n lelike draai gemaak die dag toe sy met Heino Beetge en sy vriende deurmekaar geraak het. Die prys van dié vriendskap het haar alles wat belangrik is gekos.  

Wanneer hoop net ’n vae begrip word en vriendskap yler as hoendertande, dan weet jy jou keuse was ʼn fout. Sou sy die een hand wat wel na haar uitgehou word vat, of sou sy aanhou om die verkeerde besluite te neem? Die besluit van kennis van goed ... of kwaad? 

Luitenant-Kolonel Hendrik Swanepoel is op die drumpel van aftrede. Sy lewe as oujongkêrel en toegewyde polisieman was vervullend. Maar die dag toe hy Bertha Geldenhuis ontmoet, was sy keuses afgebaken in hoopvolle meetsnoere.  

Met die ewige vraag: wat beteken die kennis van goed en kwaad nou eintlik, word hy aangespoor om die antwoord vir Bertha te soek. Wat hy vind is meer as net ’n antwoord. Dit is ’n openbaring wat hom op wye draaie sou vat.  

Hoop is soms al wat ons het om aan vas te hou ...  

’n Spannende misterie-novelle.  


Goodreads: Verlore Gisters, ’n Spannende misterie-novelle.
Amazon / Smashwords



Monday, August 28, 2023

Empowering women in August



Scripture: Proverbs 31: 10

An excellent woman [one who is spiritual, capable, intelligent, and virtuous], who is he who can find her? Her value is more precious than jewels and her worth is far above rubies or pearls. (Amp)

Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. (KJV)

A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds. (MSG)

A wife of noble character who can find her? She is worth far more than rubies. (NIV)

Wie sal 'n deugsame vrou vind? want haar waarde is ver bo korale. (AFR53)

A woman of noble character is a woman who follows the biblical principles of Proverbs 31:10-31 we heard this morning. She is virtuous, capable, trustworthy, hardworking, generous, wise, and God-fearing. She is also more precious than rubies/ diamonds. 

Today, these qualities are hard to find among women, but when you find one, you must cling to that person. Why? So that her character can rub off on you and you can become like her, a woman of noble standing.

On Saturday, I took part in the perseverance walk at the SAP, CPF event for women. We walked around the rugby field a few times (4). During this walk, I noticed one small yellow flower still blooming. I cannot say how many feet trampled over her. But here was this little flower, so minute in the larger scope of the field, still blooming her heart out.

At that moment, I recognized her strength and tenacity. She was not willing to bow her head amid adversaries. She held her head high, and she bloomed. She fulfilled her purpose.

Do you know what is your purpose?

Do you have goals that would bring you closer to your purpose?

Now, you will tell me, you don’t know my story Lynelle, and you are right, I don’t. But I know my story. I know about desperation and poverty; I understand about lack, and the depression and fear that follow it. I can write books about the unfairness dealt to me, bitter stories of discouragement and disillusionment, but I choose not to focus on that. I choose to bloom where I am planted.

One lesson I have learned during my life walk is this: No One Will Believe In You If You Don’t Believe In Yourself. If you do not make a conscious decision to lift your head and bloom where you are planted, no one will reach out or help you.  

Ruth, the woman from the Bible, was a noble woman. A Proverbs 31 woman. A woman I can relate to. She chose to follow Naomi. This led her to the fields of Boas and today her name is still mentioned hundreds of years after her death. Why? Because she made an intentional decision to stick with one woman.

How can you do this? Living with Intent Journal is created to help you to formulate your plans and stick with them. Use the journal like a tool.

Right at the beginning of the journal, it begins with Self-Love. If you cannot love yourself, no one else will. 

      Ø Don't Compare Yourself to Others.

Ø  Grow Your Positive Vibe.

Ø  Do An Activity You Love at least once a month.

Ø  Find A Place That Makes You Happy.

Ø  Clean Your Room and Environment.

Ø  Don't Forget to Take Time to Relax.

Ø  Eat healthily and exercise. Your future self will thank you one day.

Ø  Enjoy the little things.

Ø  Keep your chin up, shoulders straight and let your smile speak for you.

Ø  Get into the Word of God, study it and find your North. You cannot find it without God.

Remember: Diamonds are born under immense pressure. A noble woman is not born like one. She is planted, pressed, sometimes forgotten, but when she immersed from the ground and cleaned, she shines.

But it all starts with one decision. A decision only you can make.

If you need guidance, support, or an ear, reach out to a life coach or counsellor near you. It is your choice; I cannot force you. But if you don’t, you will still be here next year, in the same position.

I was where you are right now, eleven years ago. I understand the difficulties and the problems. I understand the fears and worries. I know what it is to feel alone, desperate, without hope. It is only when I reached out that I could find the way forward. For each of us, it is different, but when you make an intentional decision, you can encourage others.

Position yourself, get a Naomi in your life. Follow and learn. Nobility is a seed that needs water. Water gives life. Once you water that seed, it will grow and you will become like that little flower that blooms where she is planted. 

Contact me at if you want to connect or in need of a life coach. 

Monday, June 26, 2023

Week 6: Ignored stains.


Ignored stains are the worst kind of stain. It is an ugly thing to look at; especially on top of a beautiful wood table where everyone can see. It leaves an aftertaste for the onlookers and spoil an immaculate life. No matter how hard you ignore it, it will mark your life unless you deal with it.

We all have our reasons why we don’t want to deal with it. It is harmless and won’t hurt anyone, we might think. Or it will take too much time to remove it and will take you away from what you love to do.

Others will say, “I just don’t let it bother me,” but it won’t solve the problem. It will just increase the problem.

In Acts 24, Paul was preaching to a ruler named Felix. Paul reasoned with Felix of “righteousness,” “temperance,” and of the “judgment to come” (v. 25). This caused Felix to tremble. Clearly, he was affected by what Paul had said. Instead of acting on what he had learned, he responded, “Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.” Felix chose to do nothing about his sins. Instead, he chose to ignore them. As far as we know, Felix never found a convenient season to obey God.

We don’t escape responsibility from our sins by ignoring them. Ignoring sin will cause us to be lost eternally. Instead of ignoring sin, a non-Christian must believe (Jn. 3:16), repent (Acts 2:38), confess Christ (Rom. 10:10), and be baptized (Acts 2:38, Mk. 16:16). The Christian who sins must repent, pray, and confess his sins (Acts 8:22, I Jn. 1:8-10).

Don’t find an excuse or allow more time to laps, before you do something about it. Do it now while the time is now.


Father, I humbly bring my sin……. (name it) to your table of grace and confess my unwillingness to deal with this. Lord, give me the wisdom to come clean and to allow the Holy Spirit to do his perfect work of healing and restoration in me. Wipe my slate clean, Lord, and show me how not to sin anymore.

I confess Romains 10: 10 over my life: For it is with my heart that I believe and are justified, and it is with my mouth that I profess my faith and are saved.

In Jesus Name, Amen.


Monday, June 12, 2023

Week 5: Hidden Stains

Stains can be stubborn, so much so that we have to hide them. Then we concoct a reason of why we hide them.

Have you seen these hiding devices in other homes? Maybe it hides your own; crochet lappies, vases, books; they are all things we can use to hide that persistent stain.

We usually hide them out of shame or because we are too busy to handle it. However, both can rob us from the joy of a clean table.

We get stains that really struggle to get out. Stains that you need to revisit, scrub just to cover it once more because of its stubbornness. You try every cure that you can buy, but nothing seems to help.

Are we not like that as well?

Hiding our stains because of shame and fear. What will the people say, or what will God do when He sees it? These are some reasons that motivate us to hide it. (Sounds familiar? Hint: Adam and Eve) I know I do.

Hidden stains can rob you from the freedom to be yourself, your confidence, and can rob you from your relationship with the Heavenly Father and others.

But once you have confronted it, it has lost its hold on you. That feeling of accomplishment, once you have faced it, feels invigorating. As if a heaviness was removed and you can breathe with uncanny freedom.

Do not go through another day hiding your stains from God. He knows it. So, why not confess, and throw away the excuses and live a life of freedom and confidence?

Christ has done a perfect work in us. Nothing is hidden before Him. He knows all, sees all, and wants to take it from you. No stain is so big that it cannot be removed by the blood of the Lamb. Use your stain removal rather than hide it another day. Look that stain in the eye and say, today is the day that I will be set free from your smear. I am cleansed; I am healed, and I am free.


Heavenly Father, thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for your ultimate sacrifice that set me free from this stain (name it). Thank you for the victory of the Cross.

I confess my shame and fear and accept your loving kindness. Thank you for removing every stain from my heart, mind, and body. I declare it powerless. Thank you, that all shame and fear has been lifted, and permanently removed from my life by the blood of the Lamb.

I pray for wisdom to be more vigilant in my choices. That I will walk in Godly insight with the full armor as my protection and shield. I choose to stay in the Light of your Word, all the days of my life.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen


Day One: The Places Of Importance

 Keyscripture for this bible plan is 1 Sam 17. I want to encourage you to read it beforehand and do some self study as well.  1 Sam 17: 1Now...