Friday, April 26, 2024

Day Seven: Why Five Smooth Stones?


1 Sam 17: 40Then he took his staff in his hand; and he chose for himself five smooth stones from the brook, and put them in a shepherd’s bag, in a pouch which he had, and his sling was in his hand. And he drew near to the Philistine.

In Hebrew, a stone or eben is a merging of the words father and son (av + ben). Therefore, a stone is not only strong, but a far worthier choice of ammunition against the enemy. What is stronger than the Father and the Son? Nothing! If this is true, why did David choose five stones when it only took ONE stone to defeat the great giant?

Five is the number of strength and power as the fifth manifestation of the Holy Spirit. (Is. 11:2) This power fuelled the first global migrations of the birds and fish created on the fifth day of creation. Just in case we missed this connection with creation and the number five, it says in 1 Sam. 17:48 that when Goliath went to meet David in battle, that David “ran quickly” to meet him. The word for ran (rutz) is the same root word used to describe the movement of the creatures created on day five. Quick flowing movement is a trademark of those filled with Christ’s Spirit of Power.

Consider that there are FIVE books by Moses or Torah. The Ten Commandments were written on two stone tablets, with FIVE commandments teaching one how to love God and FIVE teaching one how to love their neighbour. FIVE is associated with grace, the gospel, and anointing.

Though it only took one smooth stone to defeat Goliath, David picked up five, a clear sign that the Word is what defeats a beast. Jesus was likewise taunted (tempted) for forty days. Like David, He overcame the adversary with one smooth stone by quoting one of the FIVE books of Moses: Deuteronomy, the fifth book. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

The hints of the number five are one example of many precious stones scattered throughout the Biblical text. When the Light hits them just right, our (spiritual) eyes see the connections that thread the entire Bible together in one seamless and flawless tapestry. The same story is told again and again in simple and progressively more detailed and varied ways. That story is the Good News or the Gospel.

Why Are the Stones Smooth?

If the Word is in us, we become the stones that cry out in triumph. We have become One with the Father and the Son. The constant washing of the water of the Word wears down all of one’s rough and crooked edges. Like the river stones, this is a slow process, a journey down the bumpy path of life.

Each impact, trial, and obstacle that the Living Water subjects one to, wears, carves, and sculpts us into the image of God. The consistent rush of the water droplets threshes the things that offend us until one is as smooth as David’s five stones.

God chose the story of David and Goliath to be one of the first impressions we are given about King David. Why do you think this is so? Could it be that He wanted us to know how “a man after His own heart” defeated the beast without AND the beast within? We see David battling this dual war throughout his lifetime.

He committed serious sin in his lifetime. But like the water, David was persistent and consistent in turning back to God and repent and let God continue the good work He began in him. As such, he became a “living stone” and a role model for us.

It must be part of our daily walk; to sit by the river (Word) and meditate on the smooth stones and the rushing water. This natural phenomenon has deep spiritual implications. The Father’s Light (water) is always trying to penetrate our skulls (and hearts) to remove the blind spots. But like the hard rocks, we must yield to the Word. The will of God is evident: He desires us to be Living Stones in His House.

1 Peter 2:5 - 6

you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 6Therefore it is also contained in the Scripture, “Behold, I lay in Zion A chief cornerstone, elect, precious, And he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame.”

This can never be emphasis enough.

• You must allow the word to smooth the edges consistently.

• To understand the season, you must study the word.

• To have vision or sight, you must study the word.

• To hear/know God’s voice, you must study the word.

• To be part of the remnant, you must know the scriptures.

• To distinguish who is your champion, you must know the word.

So far, we have covered the following in this bible plan:

• You must walk with God’s armour and not your own.

• You must choose your place wisely. Make sure you are not in an inaccurate place.

• You must understand obedience and how to activate God’s word now. Quickly.

• You must know who your protector is.

Each step is a conscience choice you must make to enjoy the benefits of the Kingdom.

Grace and peace to you. 

Day One / Day Two / Day Three / Day Four / Day FiveDay Six / 

Day Seven / Day Eight / Day Nine / Day Ten / Day Eleven / Day Twelve 

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