
Ns.Skrywershuis: Nico Schamrel

Lynelle Clark undoubtedly has excellent knowledge regarding the interrelationship of writing books.
As a professional author and auditor of her books, she has a unique writing style that is flawless, clear, and easy to understand. Her writing is believable, realistic, and authentic, neatly laid out, and academically correct. She is considered a valuable writer with a good work ethic and excellent time management.
Lynelle Clark is an active member of many social pages and network platforms, a master’s in marketing, and an expert with languages. As a popular writer with whom many people interact, she represents herself well and treats potential clients with the utmost respect and proficiency. As a trustworthy and reliable person, I can sincerely recommend her service with confidence.

I had the pleasure of working with Lynelle Clark for 2 years.

I am Anzè Bezuidenhout, owner Of Ink Skryf in Afrikaans. I have 22 years of experience working in communications and public relations. I have worked with Lynelle Clark for 7 Years and can safely say that her problem-solving skills stand out amongst her peers. I remain impressed with her driven work ethic and ability to work creatively under pressure.

During the time we worked together, her skills and understanding of our company’s brand and mission helped our team successfully run several PR campaigns. She assisted in the launch of a global campaign that received international media coverage.

My first experience with Lynelle Clark’s work ethic came not long after I hired her. Our media team needed additional help to complete an important campaign on time. She worked tirelessly on the campaign before launch, including fact-checking, finalising graphics and liaising with media. These tasks were outside of her normal role, but she accepted the responsibility without hesitation.

Besides her impressive work ethic, Lynelle Clark is also a great team member, a natural leader and a humble employee. She has a great attitude and is always willing to help another colleague.

I am confident that Lynelle Clark will be a great asset to anyone who requires her services. Not only does she offer creative advertising and communications skills, but she also helps other employees grow and flourish on her team.

Please contact me if you need more information or would like to discuss any of her other achievements. You can reach me at 082 648 0284 or by email skryfafrikaans@ink.org.za.


Anzé Bezuidenhout

INK Skryf in Afrikaans

Lynelle Clark is n baie bekwame diensverskaffer. Sy is baie kreatief en wend haar woordvernuf professioneel aan om die beste aan haar kliente te bied.

Lynelle het vir my n blog ontwerp om my besigheid bekend te stel. Daar deel ek reiswenke, tegniese raad en voorligting  sowel as kamp resepte en fotos. Sy het dit so ontwerp en opgestel dat dit my voorkeure en eie unieke smaak reflekteer.

Lynelle is hardwerkend en kan onafhanklik werk en hou by sperdatums.

Ek kan Lynelle sonder aarseling aanbeveel.



Ek ken Lynelle Clark al vir ʼn geruime tyd as omroeper en deel van die span op ELAN GLOBAL RADIO.  Sy behartig ook die stasie se Block op die webtuiste. Ek het haar leer ken as ʼn volwasse persoon wat baie ernstig is oor haar lewe en haar verhouding met God. Met ʼn groot liefde vir skryf. Alhoewel sy al deur moeilike tye in haar lewe is, het sy vas bly staan in haar geloof. Sy het sterk morele waardes. Sy het bewys dat sy en Haar God alles kan oorkom.

Sy behandel mense met respek en is altyd vriendelik en spontaan. Sy kommunikeer maklik met ander mense. Daar bestaan ʼn mooi verhouding tussen haar en haar verloofde. Ek beleef haar as ʼn opregte en eerlike mens. Sy is stabiel en altyd dieselfde. Sy is ʼn aangename persoon en laat ʼn goeie indruk op mense met wie sy te doen kry. Daar kan altyd en enige tyd op haar gereken word.

Ek bid haar alle voorspoed, vrede en seën toe op haar lewenspad.

Indien daar enige verdere navrae is kan u my gerus kontak by 0823741673.

Vriendelike Groete.

Pastoor Riekie Knoetze.

I know Lynelle Clark as a broadcaster and part of the team on ELAN GLOBAL RADIO. She also manages the station's Blog on the website. I got to know her as an adult who is very serious about her life and her relationship with God. With a great love for writing.

She treats people with respect and is always friendly and spontaneous. She communicates easily with other people. I experience her as a sincere and honest person. She is stable and always the same. She is a pleasant person and leaves a good impression on people she deals with. She can always and be counted on.

Pastor Riekie Knoetze

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