Showing posts sorted by relevance for query creativity 101. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query creativity 101. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Creativity 101: What is a holistic platform?

Creativity 101

My intent with this blog /group is twofold:

     To bring like-minded people together who have a passion or drive to create and to show it off in a safe environment without ridicule or judgement.
And to help people to get unlocked, unblocked, unsecured, unfastened, and connected with the well of creativity that is within each of us. Whether or not you use it at this stage, you are a creative being with the ability to create.

With each part I will go deeper into it but for now I will give the absolute necessities to understand what it means.

The things we experience within that continue feeling that something is amiss is, in fact, your creativity that is looking for an escape. It is so integrally part of you that you cannot be alive without expressing it through some sort of creativity.

Whether you bake, knit, sing, write, dance, paint… you create.

Within the comments, let me know your thoughts and struggles. Your input is valuable.

For us, to understand what KreativPreneurs are, we must begin at the beginning.

Why do I say this is a holistic platform?

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary Holistic means:


characterized by the belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can be explained only by reference to the whole:

"the solution demands a holistic approach and a strategic vision of what can be achieved" · "poverty will need to be addressed holistically."


characterized by the treatment of the whole person, considering mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of an illness:

"many people conclude holistic medicines are beneficial" · "a truly alternative holistic medical practice" · "a holistic therapist"


According to, it means:

As an adjective

1.      Of or relating to holism. Webster's New World.

Similar definitions:

2. Emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts. American Heritage Medicine.

3.   Off, concerned with, or dealing with wholes or integrated systems rather than with their parts. Webster's New World.

    Similar definitions

4.   Designating or of healthcare that takes a patient's nutritional, environmental, and psychological factors into account. Webster's New World.

5.    Incorporating unconventional treatment, as, variously, folk medicine, yoga, acupuncture, massage, etc.


General Systems Theory, a related modern concept [to holism], says that each variable in any system interacts with the other variables so thoroughly that cause and effect cannot be separated. A simple variable can be both cause and effect. Reality will not be still. And it cannot be taken apart! You cannot understand a cell, a rat, a brain structure, a family, a culture if you isolate it from its context. Relationship is everything.”

Marilyn Ferguson The Aquarian Conspiracy


We are all students of life:

Holistic education (also: holistic learning) is an approach to education that involves educating a person so that they will become a well-rounded and confident being who contributes productively to their community (in serving and being a solution when it is called for). It focuses on developing care for others and respect for the environment. It pays equal respect to the emotional, social, and cognitive wellbeing of the learner. ChrisDrew (PhD)


Another scholarly definition, from Marshman (2010, p. 3):

“Holistic education focuses on the fullest possible development of the person, encouraging
individuals to become the very best or finest that they can be and enabling them to experience all they can from life and reach their goals.”

Is that not what we all want? To be fully developed, to serve those with our talents and reach our goals. I know I am. As you, I learn with each new information I receive.


A Holistic Writer (artist)…

1. Sees their work from the outside in.

2. Understand their work as the sum of its parts.

3. Sees those parts only in relation to each other and the whole.

4. Sees their fiction in relation to their person.

5. Cannot separate their writing life and their everyday life, because they are the same.


What the Bible says:

We are earthen vessels that need to be filled.

Streams of living water will pour from us once we connect with God.

We are created in the image of God. 

He is the Creator, and we have His DNA. Therefore, we can create.


Next time, we will look further into ourselves. What it means when we hear: body, soul and mind. 

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Creativity 101: I have a body.


Creativity 101: A Holistic look at who I am.

I have a head, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, stomach, bum, legs, and feet. Plus, all the other smaller appendages in between. I call it my body.
My body can do amazing things, especially when I am fit. But even if I am not mobile, my body can still be valuable.
With this body, I can exercise, walk, run, pray, meditate, read, bake, swim, ride a bike, lay on the bed, paint, write or whatever I choose to do with it.
It is totally depended on me. That is why I must look after it. My body cannot take food from the fridge unless I don't tell it to do so.
Each one of us has one. No matter the form... it is our body. What I put into it, he gives back to me. Whether good or bad, it returns the favour. Sometimes to our devastation.
Being a holistic person, we are made into a body, with a mind and a spirit. Our body is the vessel we use to our advantage.
The mind and spirit don't have a body. Therefore, it needs a body to move around and put action into our thoughts.
How do you take care of your body today? Do you drink enough water? Eat correctly? Do some exercise with it? I know... we don't always, but try to.
Or maybe you are busy with a painting, or writing. Some part of your body is at work. Right? Even as I type this post, my body is at work. Maybe not all of it, but part of my body is in motion.
The point is, without this body of mine, I cannot do anything I want. I have to take care of it. Make sure it stays healthy. Give it enough rest, do some walking.
My body is essential to my creativity. No matter my choice, my body is needed to put action to it. How great is that?
Share your thoughts in the comments.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Creativity 101: Your spirit

As we dig deeper within, we realize how complex we really are. There is a world within us that is dormant until it the lid has been removed.

Our body is the vessel that carries us from point A to B. We must maintain this vessel to the best of our knowledge to live a long and healthy life.

Our mind is the element that gives us personality. It helps us to cope, to be strong, to learn, and to excel. It is from this place we love, hate, get angry, are selfish, are jealous… etc. Each of these attributes opens our mind to other things which can either bind us or help us move forward. Our mind can also block us because of our experiences, our culture, and connections. It can falter our core beliefs and limit us to where we can’t see past our troubles. Our mind is susceptible and if we do not guard our mind, we will become fearful, reckless, or even dangerous to the people around us.

But we have a build-in radar that can help us cope and stay on course. But we must unlock it first. Take note: we must do it. God will not flick a magical wand above our heads and do it for us. No, we must unlock it by submitting our entire being to Him. The more we open, the greater the connection and fresher the anointing.

We are all born with a spirit. The spirit needs to be nurtured, taught, and strengthened with a greater power than ourselves. It must learn how to listen, talk, walk, and do. As a Christian, we have a manual that helps us to stay on course. It is called the Bible. Everything within that book is there to teach us. It teaches us the fundamentals of life and how to stay on track. If we listen, we enjoy the fruit of it. If not, we suffer the consequences. We are familiar with that feeling when our prayers don’t pass the ceiling. It is then that we should do introspection and ask the Holy Spirit to show us the reason.

As a Christian, I believe that the Holy Spirit is that Greater Power and once my spirit and God’s Spirit connect, my spirit blossoms. With the connection comes training. I must learn how to pray, read my Bible every day to equip my spirit, do warfare, and sing praises to the Almighty Father. Through obedience and submitting, I become less and He more.

Through this connection, my creativity or talents are triggered and open a better world. If it stays dormant, it will reach for anything else to hold on to. Like a giant octopus, it will latch on and drink but remain hungry. These connections can be fatal or lead you on the wrong path. Others can bring enlightenment, but I believe it is only through the Holy Spirit that we truly can be free.

Our spirit is a living being that always needs nourishment. Sustenance to feed from and grow. As we grow stronger, we experience the freedom to sing, create, make a joyful noise, and walk in authority on earth. Our mind becomes subject to our spirit because it becomes the controller, teacher, and initiator of our life. Now we don’t act from our hurt or fears, but we act from a place of safety. Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.

Our creativity is the incubator with all the potential the Father has for us. If it is blocked, we struggle to create. Words falter, colours remain dark, joy is momentary, faith is dwindling, and hope is neatly packed away. We struggle to find our rhythm; our inner metronome is out of whack, and we feel trapped. This is a dangerous place to be.

Our very DNA is to create, but through the lies we perceive as truth, we believe we can’t do this. We tell ourselves that we are useless or tap into the lie that this is all for nothing. If we believe this, we remain stuck. Once we look it in the eye and deal with it, we become open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

This open connection is vital to our creativity. Without it, we will remain where we are. Clueless, frightened, poor in spirit and in mind, disillusioned, and helpless. But that is not where the Father wants us. If we stay in that place, our vessel stays dormant. We exist but not live.

To bring back the joy and the hope, we must establish that connection and stay connected. In the connection with our Source, we can be free to create. Through creating, we can create a better life. Not only for ourselves, but for every person God leads us to.


Monday, December 19, 2022

Creativity 101: Your mind.


I wrote to block out my reality.
I wrote to block out all the anger and pain.
I wrote of lost dreams and empty promises all in fiction form to create a happy ending.
I wrote 22 books during that time.
Our mind is a powerful tool.
A tool that can propel us forward or set us in park mode for a long time. Unless we do something about it.
Our mind is controlled by our experiences, cultural surroundings, and emotions. Even the people we hang out with has an effect. This is the reason we should be wary with who we associate.
Our mind is like a sponge that takes everything in, then compartmentalized them into folders. Some to use now, others to use later. And others to use as our momentum to move or stop.
The more you fill it with good, positive things, the more you will grow. Those things are like vitamins to your body.
To be a whole person, you must guard your heart and mind. To be effective in the world.
No matter the bad that has happened in the past, you can change the bad in the good and the ugly in the best by building and growing.
Once you die.
Back then, I knew my artistic side needed an outlet which spilled over on paper. I was astonished and flabbergasted at the same time. Even ten years later, I still have the thrill of creating something from the words in my mind.
What do you do to feed your mind?
With what do you feed it?
How can you benefit from investing in the good to excel?

Day Twelve: Fear And Despair Has Been Destroyed.

  This is the last day of this bible plan and I trust that I have planted a seed of hope into your life. You can have the victory if you fol...