Thursday, December 29, 2022

Creativity 101: Your spirit

As we dig deeper within, we realize how complex we really are. There is a world within us that is dormant until it the lid has been removed.

Our body is the vessel that carries us from point A to B. We must maintain this vessel to the best of our knowledge to live a long and healthy life.

Our mind is the element that gives us personality. It helps us to cope, to be strong, to learn, and to excel. It is from this place we love, hate, get angry, are selfish, are jealous… etc. Each of these attributes opens our mind to other things which can either bind us or help us move forward. Our mind can also block us because of our experiences, our culture, and connections. It can falter our core beliefs and limit us to where we can’t see past our troubles. Our mind is susceptible and if we do not guard our mind, we will become fearful, reckless, or even dangerous to the people around us.

But we have a build-in radar that can help us cope and stay on course. But we must unlock it first. Take note: we must do it. God will not flick a magical wand above our heads and do it for us. No, we must unlock it by submitting our entire being to Him. The more we open, the greater the connection and fresher the anointing.

We are all born with a spirit. The spirit needs to be nurtured, taught, and strengthened with a greater power than ourselves. It must learn how to listen, talk, walk, and do. As a Christian, we have a manual that helps us to stay on course. It is called the Bible. Everything within that book is there to teach us. It teaches us the fundamentals of life and how to stay on track. If we listen, we enjoy the fruit of it. If not, we suffer the consequences. We are familiar with that feeling when our prayers don’t pass the ceiling. It is then that we should do introspection and ask the Holy Spirit to show us the reason.

As a Christian, I believe that the Holy Spirit is that Greater Power and once my spirit and God’s Spirit connect, my spirit blossoms. With the connection comes training. I must learn how to pray, read my Bible every day to equip my spirit, do warfare, and sing praises to the Almighty Father. Through obedience and submitting, I become less and He more.

Through this connection, my creativity or talents are triggered and open a better world. If it stays dormant, it will reach for anything else to hold on to. Like a giant octopus, it will latch on and drink but remain hungry. These connections can be fatal or lead you on the wrong path. Others can bring enlightenment, but I believe it is only through the Holy Spirit that we truly can be free.

Our spirit is a living being that always needs nourishment. Sustenance to feed from and grow. As we grow stronger, we experience the freedom to sing, create, make a joyful noise, and walk in authority on earth. Our mind becomes subject to our spirit because it becomes the controller, teacher, and initiator of our life. Now we don’t act from our hurt or fears, but we act from a place of safety. Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.

Our creativity is the incubator with all the potential the Father has for us. If it is blocked, we struggle to create. Words falter, colours remain dark, joy is momentary, faith is dwindling, and hope is neatly packed away. We struggle to find our rhythm; our inner metronome is out of whack, and we feel trapped. This is a dangerous place to be.

Our very DNA is to create, but through the lies we perceive as truth, we believe we can’t do this. We tell ourselves that we are useless or tap into the lie that this is all for nothing. If we believe this, we remain stuck. Once we look it in the eye and deal with it, we become open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

This open connection is vital to our creativity. Without it, we will remain where we are. Clueless, frightened, poor in spirit and in mind, disillusioned, and helpless. But that is not where the Father wants us. If we stay in that place, our vessel stays dormant. We exist but not live.

To bring back the joy and the hope, we must establish that connection and stay connected. In the connection with our Source, we can be free to create. Through creating, we can create a better life. Not only for ourselves, but for every person God leads us to.


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