Showing posts with label Lynelle Clark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lynelle Clark. Show all posts

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Pointers on how to navigate through this life.


A Sixty-year-old’s Perspective.

As we become older, it’s easier to look at life and what we have learned because we look in retrospection to it.

Maybe, if I had this information when life was still winking brightly at me, I could have made better choices. So, my hope is, though you might not understand all that I am writing now, that you will tuck it away somewhere to revisit. Making sure you are on the right track.

Whatever life may bring you; it's good to keep these markers as signposts close by.

Because my favourite medium of communication is writing, I have done so and trust that it will bring clarity to your life.

Writing has been a cornerstone of our culture since the Stone Age, when early humans inscribed pictures on rocks using ink made from plants, blood, and mud.

Writers are a big part of our everyday life. The written word, whether in news articles, motivational pieces, or fiction, leaves a lasting imprint. It expresses thoughts, emotions, truths, and falsehoods. It can be offensive or revolutionary, beautiful or ugly. Words can elevate or diminish us, yet their thread consistently draws us towards authenticity.

The Bible exemplifies the written literature. When you read the New Testament, you see that the manner of communication was always letters. Paul wrote to his spiritual sons, giving them explicit instructions on how to live and walk in their faith.

The moment words are written, it’s binding. In Nebuchadnezzar’s time, it was a degree that couldn’t be changed. People who tried were killed.

We can dissect the meaning of the Words. We can decipher the writer’s thinking, and the era reflected in the writing. It is a source of reflection and deeper understanding and has tremendous value for the next generation. Therefore, libraries were built throughout history to contain its wisdom, and bookshops still have a place in society no matter the boom in web serving. We long to connect on a deeper level to understand ourselves and the world God has given us.

The four gospels narrated Jesus’s life through the eyes of his disciples. People we trust because they have walked alongside Jesus, therefore, are expert witnesses.

The books of Moses were a testimony of God’s faithfulness and his development as a leader. We gain insight from this patriarch’s life. These books are accounts of Israel and their journey through the desert, serving as a symbolic reminder of why it’s essential to obey God’s commands. What we read in there remains relevant today.

Internet’s vast book collection notwithstanding, another book or piece proves essential. Each person’s viewpoint holds equal significance to those of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John. Each piece adds another layer of wisdom and understanding into the deeper things of God and our race.

Why this piece, you wonder?

December is my birth month, but what makes 2024’s birthday special is that I will celebrate my 60th birthday.

60. Yep, it’s unbelievable, right?

When I was ten, 60 was ancient. It was my grandmother's age, and I could not phantom the number nor the age dynamic. At 20, I believed 60 was a long way off. There was no need to think of it. When I was 30, 60 became into my scope but it didn’t bother me. I still had plenty of time to accomplish my dreams. Turning 40 gave me some insight, but by then, my path was established, and reversing the course felt impossible. So why bother, right?

I think 50 was a wake-up call, and clarity dawned on me when I had a reality check. But by then, my resources were limited, and time had turned into an adversary. With no second changes, I had to fight to stand on my feet and knew time was turning against me. Therefore, I should use each minute wisely.

And now I am at that stage. The grandmother-stage. I have two beautiful grandsons with the world before them. They think as I once did, even if they don’t say it. Now, it is my responsibility to document the lessons I’ve learned for them to read and hopefully act upon before it’s too late.

For several days, I reflected on these lessons and realized how often I’ve gone in circles, reaching the same outcome during my course. We must break the circle if we want to have better results.

Pointers on how to navigate through this life. 

  • God is the Source; the rest is only a resource.
  • God’s Word takes president over humanistic philosophy.
  • Don’t interpret the Bible willy-nilly and follow ignorant people. Truly understand it by studying it. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you.
  • Trust the Holy Spirit and guard your heart.
  • Take the time to know God. Get the culture right from the beginning and teach your children.
  • Don’t open doors to any kind of sin. Sin is a momentary excuse to change your path wrapped in a red bow. Overcome every evil with the Written Word. If you see something is wrong, act on it, immediately.
  • Never be afraid to speak the truth. However, always speak in love. If you don’t know how, read the Bible.
  • Remember, unfairness is a humanistic word. God is supreme, therefore trust Him alone.
  • Likewise, entitlement is an abomination before God. Work for what you want. Press in and never stop. Even when you are as old as father time, press in.
  • Be vigilant. The devourer will try to trip you, but God’s Word will show the way. Never be afraid of God’s blacksmith, he’s only purpose is to test you. The test is not your destination, the winning line is.
  • Don’t ask, “Why me?” Rather ask, “What must I learn from this?” And move on.
  • Don’t open a door to poverty, it will lead to ruin.
  • Don’t indulge in debauchery of any kind. It will damage you and your children.
  • If you don’t change your trajectory, you will not change your future.
  • Don’t believe a half truth. It’s a lie. No matter how good the reason may be, it remains a lie.
  • Righteousness is more valuable than anything else.
  • Never throw your pearls before the swine. They will devour it, trample over you and roll in the mud with it. It’s their nature.
  • Don’t count your eggs before they hatch.
  • Trust is the only commodity you have. Use it wisely, even if you must walk alone.
  • Save. The moment you receive your first pay, save. Don’t wait until you make “enough” before you begin. You will never have “enough” so begin small. You will thank yourself later.
  • Learn. Use every opportunity to learn and study. Never wait or use tiredness as an excuse. Never use busyness as a way of stalling. Begin.
  • Follow your dreams, no matter the obstacle.
  • Enjoy each moment. Live in the present.
  • Love with your whole heart.
  • Be respectful… even those you think don’t deserve it. You are not better than them.
  • “What if” or “but” has no value, dismiss it. It’s like cotton candy: very sweet, yet it doesn’t satisfy your inner being. Only God can fill the void.
  • Be passionate about life. Happiness is not in a bottle or pill. Never trust it. It will rob you of valuable time and resources.
  • Stay on course. Allow God to remain at the steering wheel.
  • Never despise small beginnings.
  • Time is a commodity that must be spent wisely.
  • Pick your battles.

Things to walk away from:

  • If something sounds too good to be true, it is.
  • Don’t trust the wrong people. When they show you their true colours, trust them. They know themselves better than you do.
  • If someone tells you they love you, but show something different…
  • If someone doesn’t value you, walk away. Whether it’s a spouse or friend.
  • Never pact with wolves. They are only out for themselves.
  • Don’t mingle with dogs; they always return to vomit or dig out dead bones; reminding you of past failures.
  • Beware of the harlot on the street corner. She is deceptive and cunning and will influence you to turn away from righteousness.
  • Respect and trust are expensive. Don’t sell it for a momentary solution.

Practical things with value: Good habits are the foundation of your existence. Stick with them.

· Make up your bed, every day. Even if you have a maid, tidy it yourself. Clean your own mess.

· Take a bath/shower every day.

· Comb/wash your hair often.

· Dress neatly. Iron your clothes, clean your shoes. No one will wonder what the label was, but they will remember your neatness.

· Keep your car clean.

· Put on a smile.

· Be punctual.

· Be consistent.

· Be respectful. Whether it is the cleaning lady or the president.

· Read... a lot.

Pointers on how to navigate through this life. by Lynelle Clark

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Verlore Gisters deur Lynelle Clark. Beskikbaar in Kindle en e-boek.

Genre: Misterieuse Spanningsverhaal

Uitgewer: Ns. Skrywershuis Publikasies teen R40 per eboek

ISBN: 978-1-7764392-8-7

Bladsye: 85

In ons daaglikse keuses berus die besluit tussen goed en kwaad by ons. Watter een sal seëvier. Kies ons verkeerd, wel, dan moet ons die prys betaal. Die vraag is wat sal jy doen om jou kind se nagedagtenis in ere te herstel?


Goodreads: Verlore Gisters, ’n Spannende misterie-novelle.

Smashwords / Amazon / NS Skrywershuis / Barnes & Noble / Apple  




Die Kennis van Goed en Kwaad is die dryfveer van Verlore Gisters. In ons daaglikse keuses berus die besluit by ons watter een sal seëvier. Kies ons verkeerd, wel, dan moet ons die prys betaal. Die vraag is wat sal jy doen om jou kind se nagedagtenis in ere te herstel? 

Bertha Geldenhuis se lewe het ’n lelike draai gemaak die dag toe sy met Heino Beetge en sy vriende deurmekaar geraak het. Die prys van dié vriendskap het haar alles wat belangrik is gekos.  

Wanneer hoop net ’n vae begrip word en vriendskap yler as hoendertande, dan weet jy jou keuse was ʼn fout. Sou sy die een hand wat wel na haar uitgehou word vat, of sou sy aanhou om die verkeerde besluite te neem? Die besluit van kennis van goed ... of kwaad? 

Luitenant-Kolonel Hendrik Swanepoel is op die drumpel van aftrede. Sy lewe as oujongkêrel en toegewyde polisieman was vervullend. Maar die dag toe hy Bertha Geldenhuis ontmoet, was sy keuses afgebaken in hoopvolle meetsnoere.  

Met die ewige vraag: wat beteken die kennis van goed en kwaad nou eintlik, word hy aangespoor om die antwoord vir Bertha te soek. Wat hy vind is meer as net ’n antwoord. Dit is ’n openbaring wat hom op wye draaie sou vat.  

Hoop is soms al wat ons het om aan vas te hou ...  

’n Spannende misterie-novelle.  

Verlore Gisters deur Lynelle Clark


Monday, June 26, 2023

Week 6: Ignored stains.


Ignored stains are the worst kind of stain. It is an ugly thing to look at; especially on top of a beautiful wood table where everyone can see. It leaves an aftertaste for the onlookers and spoil an immaculate life. No matter how hard you ignore it, it will mark your life unless you deal with it.

We all have our reasons why we don’t want to deal with it. It is harmless and won’t hurt anyone, we might think. Or it will take too much time to remove it and will take you away from what you love to do.

Others will say, “I just don’t let it bother me,” but it won’t solve the problem. It will just increase the problem.

In Acts 24, Paul was preaching to a ruler named Felix. Paul reasoned with Felix of “righteousness,” “temperance,” and of the “judgment to come” (v. 25). This caused Felix to tremble. Clearly, he was affected by what Paul had said. Instead of acting on what he had learned, he responded, “Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.” Felix chose to do nothing about his sins. Instead, he chose to ignore them. As far as we know, Felix never found a convenient season to obey God.

We don’t escape responsibility from our sins by ignoring them. Ignoring sin will cause us to be lost eternally. Instead of ignoring sin, a non-Christian must believe (Jn. 3:16), repent (Acts 2:38), confess Christ (Rom. 10:10), and be baptized (Acts 2:38, Mk. 16:16). The Christian who sins must repent, pray, and confess his sins (Acts 8:22, I Jn. 1:8-10).

Don’t find an excuse or allow more time to laps, before you do something about it. Do it now while the time is now.


Father, I humbly bring my sin……. (name it) to your table of grace and confess my unwillingness to deal with this. Lord, give me the wisdom to come clean and to allow the Holy Spirit to do his perfect work of healing and restoration in me. Wipe my slate clean, Lord, and show me how not to sin anymore.

I confess Romains 10: 10 over my life: For it is with my heart that I believe and are justified, and it is with my mouth that I profess my faith and are saved.

In Jesus Name, Amen.


Monday, June 12, 2023

Week 5: Hidden Stains

Stains can be stubborn, so much so that we have to hide them. Then we concoct a reason of why we hide them.

Have you seen these hiding devices in other homes? Maybe it hides your own; crochet lappies, vases, books; they are all things we can use to hide that persistent stain.

We usually hide them out of shame or because we are too busy to handle it. However, both can rob us from the joy of a clean table.

We get stains that really struggle to get out. Stains that you need to revisit, scrub just to cover it once more because of its stubbornness. You try every cure that you can buy, but nothing seems to help.

Are we not like that as well?

Hiding our stains because of shame and fear. What will the people say, or what will God do when He sees it? These are some reasons that motivate us to hide it. (Sounds familiar? Hint: Adam and Eve) I know I do.

Hidden stains can rob you from the freedom to be yourself, your confidence, and can rob you from your relationship with the Heavenly Father and others.

But once you have confronted it, it has lost its hold on you. That feeling of accomplishment, once you have faced it, feels invigorating. As if a heaviness was removed and you can breathe with uncanny freedom.

Do not go through another day hiding your stains from God. He knows it. So, why not confess, and throw away the excuses and live a life of freedom and confidence?

Christ has done a perfect work in us. Nothing is hidden before Him. He knows all, sees all, and wants to take it from you. No stain is so big that it cannot be removed by the blood of the Lamb. Use your stain removal rather than hide it another day. Look that stain in the eye and say, today is the day that I will be set free from your smear. I am cleansed; I am healed, and I am free.


Heavenly Father, thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for your ultimate sacrifice that set me free from this stain (name it). Thank you for the victory of the Cross.

I confess my shame and fear and accept your loving kindness. Thank you for removing every stain from my heart, mind, and body. I declare it powerless. Thank you, that all shame and fear has been lifted, and permanently removed from my life by the blood of the Lamb.

I pray for wisdom to be more vigilant in my choices. That I will walk in Godly insight with the full armor as my protection and shield. I choose to stay in the Light of your Word, all the days of my life.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen


Monday, May 29, 2023

Devotional: Week 4 Stubborn Stains

Job 1:22 caused me to pause and reevaluate my own life. It says, “Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God”.

How often do we struggle with the stubborn stains in life?

The unanswered prayers, the persistent struggle that goes on for years without results? For some, it is sickness, financial difficulties, continuous work loss, addictions: the list goes on.

My burden of continuous financial lack and work loss is a heavy burden that has played havoc in my mind and my life. Sometimes I would cry out to the Lord, lay out the best argument, but still no genuine answer comes.

It seems there is no remedy to cure this stain in my life.

When I read the scripture in Job, it knocked me off a peg or two. Never did he sin nor did he blame God for any of his difficulties.

I, on the other, blame God for my problems at least once a week. Sometimes, I am frightful and grumpy. Days that I think this new plan/work will work just to fall flat on my face. Only when I read this scripture did I realize why Job was blessed. He never sinned nor blamed God and we know that his wealth was restored to him many times over.

Instead of trying every means possible to get the stains out, we should stop and pray. We should get the attitude of Job and praise God, close our ears off from those good intention friends, but who bring no value to our life. Ignore the nay-sayers and those that try to intimidate us.

Look to God. He is our only solution. His word has not failed us, we have failed him.

Only when we stop shifting blame and listen can we truly be satisfied.


Heavenly Father, I confess my sin towards you. I confess I have sinned before you. Help me get my attitude right. Help me stay focus on your Word.

Father, I trust you to keep me secure in the knowledge of who you are and to stay focus. Help me see what you do in my life. Close my ears to the nay-sayers and the doubters. Keep them far from me.

Thank you for your understanding and wisdom, but mostly Lord, for provision and healing in my life.

In Jesus Name, Amen.


Image obtained from Pexel.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Week 3: Patterns of Faith


Each coffee stain has a unique pattern and can be pretty.

If by any chance you stay calm and forget the mess of the coffee stain to focus on the beauty, it will amaze you. You will notice the elegant swirls, the graceful splatters that create the most interesting images, and like when you see a snowflake, it will fill you with awe.

That is how our faith stains are as well. To us, being so close to the mess, we think of our faith path as one confused muddle. We cannot see any pattern or beauty within. But when a friend points out how your story inspires her, you will notice the graceful patterns and hopeful seasoned splatters that make up your life.

Looking back at our lives, we miss the small things that have made up the faith stains. Things we despise or look down at because of their insignificance. But it is in the small and insignificance we find the truth. A truth, so astounding that it leaves us speechless.

It is called character building. People will see you with fresh eyes. Your manners will change, the way you act changes, and your mind will think anew. You will find a strength you never thought you have, but mostly you discover that your life has meaning.

It sneaks up to you quietly that you miss the small moments where faith has become a mature substance. Your faith will have a newfound hope and new avenues had to open up. You will even find yourself on Straight street where you face your fears and do what you never thought possible. You will become a message bearer with a warrior like quality and every step will be sure.

These patterns can only be observed with a deep knowing of who you are and what you have become. It will swirl around you with a heavenly grace that supersedes any earthly garment. A garment rich with colour, fragrance, and harmony.

These are the stains I want to be remembered for. Not for the messes and the stickiness, but for how I handled myself within each part of my life. May you be an accurate reflection of the Father and your messes be a testimony of your faith.

Look, God makes all things new.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the fruit of insight in my life. Thank you for equipping me with faith. Even though my knees are scuffed, and my back is bent, I know these stains only emphasize the journey I walked with you. Help me see this and be glad about the stains. Thank you, that these stains enrich my life and strengthen me.

Thank you, that you make everything new.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Monday, May 15, 2023

Who is Your Stain Remover?

Week 2.

We all know the feeling when we spill coffee/water over a project or laptop. The complete mortification and panic when it hits makes you believe that your entire world just crashed.

What you do next determines the extend of the mess.

Each of us reacts differently to this. For some, it triggers an uncontrollable rage, and we wipe it away with one angry sweep of the hand. Even screaming at the offensive cup. They disregard the warning signs and create a greater mess.

Then there are others who act from a place of peace and, with a calm rationale, grab a clean cloth and clean it. With the greatest of care, they make sure each sticky droplet has been removed. I envy people that can do this but with practise it can happen.

We all have those moments that we react without thinking. Refusing to calm down and evaluate it from a place of peace. And the stain becomes a permanent feature in your life.

To stay level-headed when our life falls apart is not always easy. It can be daunting and depressing. A time of turmoil which affects our choices from that moment forward.

Instead of changing our approach, we add more problems to it, so much that we have to throw it away. Creating more stress on the growing pile. Not thinking there are better ways to clean it.

Life is messy, sometimes ugly. And there are no do overs. Once a decision is made or an accident has happened, we cannot retrace the tracks or erase it. It is done. Then the mess leaves us disorientated and depressed. Instead of dealing with it, we add more layers to the growing stains.

Layered stains cause greater problems, and it is only with a very good stain remover that we can remove the damage.

But… I know that the blood of Christ is a good place to start. It is the only place that gives you peace and removes the stains. Through this mess you learn to be stronger, find the peace within the Blood and know that you can do it over. Because He strengthens you. 

Peace can only be found from a deep sense of belonging. A peace that comes from the highest authority: God. The more we spend time with Him, the calmer the storm.

May you act from a place of peace and find wisdom in the many rings on your table.


Heavenly Father, I thank you for the blood of Christ that removes all stains. Thank you, that you have washed away my sins and give me eternal peace.

Thank you, that I can turn to you in my hour of need. Your attributes are true, you uphold me with your righthand. Your loving kindness calms the stormy seas and heals my wounds. Therefore, I can stay strong and act in wisdom in all situations life throws at me.

Teach me your ways, Lord, and calm the raging sea.

In Jesus Name, Amen.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Devotional: Week 1: Coffee stain Faith

Week 1

As I contemplate the Word, I notice the coffee stains left from the many empty cups at my desk. A niggling thought surfaced; does God see my coffee stains in the same light as tree rings?

The rings from a tree tell us about its age and its nourishment throughout the years. When it had experienced lean years and when it had blossomed. The thicker the trunk, the more the rings, the greater the story.

Then another thought struck. Is my life measured by the faith stains on my heart or is the rings evidence of a lazy woman?

Besides the fact that I will not get the medal for the world’s best housewife. It has a deeper meaning. It speaks about my daily faith walk and not about the messy rings left on the glass top. It speaks of a deeper faith that is not confined by time or space. We can look at it from two different perspectives. The many wrong choices I have made or my enjoyment of another good cup.

Faith is messy. Just as coffee stains are messy. Though coffee stains could be cleaned, our daily walk leaves stains not easily cleaned. Its telltale signs showing our human side in stark realism.

Faith test us to where we cannot see past anything but the stains. Sometimes it drains us of the very essences of who we are. Sometimes it leaves us in wonderous speechlessness. It is during those moments that we discover our purpose and receive a better understanding of the quality of our lives.

This prompted me to have a closer look and see if I can find the comparisons between my heart stains and my faith walk and what it says about me.

Maybe you can identify with this comparison. So, I want to invite you to join me on this walk. I cannot promise that I have the answers for any of our messes, but I can promise we will find our path among the messy stains and sticky moments to become stronger. And appreciate the stains just as much as the clean table. Each has a story to tell.


Heavenly Father, I bring all my stains to you. Wipe them away with the blood of Jesus and give me a robe of righteousness. Thank you, Father, for a steady hand and strong knees to navigate through my life. Thank you for strengthening me, just like a good cup of coffee and help me turn my mess into a message of hope, in Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Copyright Lynelle Clark 2023



Monday, May 1, 2023

Dagstukkie: Gister se sonde is vandag se vrede

Terwyl ek ander se verhale lees – tans tree ek op as beoordeelaar van ʼn skryfkompetisie – wat handel oor hul keuses wat hulle gelei het op ander paaie, vat dit my ook terug. Na ver paaie – kronkelpaaie wat jou laat wonder waar het jy verkeerd gegaan. Waar kon jy anders optree? Wat kon jy verander het sodat vandag ʼn ander uitslag kon gewees het van die een wat jy nou lei?

Baie somers is verby. Winters toegehul in kuiers, warm komberse en gemeensaamheid is nou net ʼn vae herinnering. Dae waar feëverhale nog werklikheid was, die lewe in mooi geweefde tapisseriepatrone voor jou gehang het en jy veilig was. Maar so maklik verander die mooi in ʼn deurmekaarspul van gekoekte wol sonder sin. Waar die begin en einde toegewikkel is in ʼn magdom seer, en jy reageer.

Dit is maklik om dan vas te val in die moddergat wat jou wil vasgryp en daar hou. Jy sien, as mens, soek ons goedkeuring vir ons lewe. Dit is dan wat hierdie terugkyk ontaard in ʼn moeras wat net verwarring veroorsaak. ʼn Traan of twee word weggepik en ons verloor die kern van ons boodskap.

My agtergrondstorie is deurspek met verkeerde besluite, ʼn maalkolk van foute, misplaaste vertroue en baie meer. Daardie einatyd, toe daar niks oor was van ons nie. Ek was ook stukkend. Verslae en gebroke. Het minwetend deure oopgemaak omdat ek gedink het dit sal my huwelik red. ʼn Wye deur wat skade aan my as vrou sou doen en my op ʼn pad van selfvernietiging gevat het.

Die oomblik wat ons ingee vir sonde, gee ons toe aan die eise wat dit stel. Dit maak ons geestelik swak en steel ons vertroue en verhoudings. Dit is net God in al sy wysheid wat ons kan red.

Dank die Here vir die Damaskuspad. Die plek waar ons gekonfronteer word met Jesus Christus as ʼn werklikheid. ʼn Realiteit so helder, wat ons verblind vir die dinge van die wêreld, en soos ʼn blinde gelei moet word na waarheid.

Vandag kyk ek terug na daardie tyd van my lewe en kan ek God se hand van beskerming sien. Daardie tye waar Hy eenvoudig my hardkoppigheid gesystap het en in die bresse getree het om my vrouwees te beskerm.

Ek glo, indien die Vader dit nie gedoen het nie, sou ek heel moontlik op ʼn ander plek gewees het of selfs dood.

Toe ek in 1992 tot bekering gekom het, en grootoog God gevolg het, was ek nie bewus van al die kronkels wat my pad sou vat nie. Maar God is ʼn waarmaker van sy Woord.

Van varkhok tot Damaskus het my pad opgeeïndig in Reguitstraat. By die Vader’s huis is ek met ope arms ontvang en die lam geslag. ʼn Leeftyd het gebeur in daardie proses van val en opstaan en die rosige oogklappe is verwyder.

Die verhouding tussen my en die Drie-eenheid is ʼn dieper een waarin ek myself verloor as mens. En ek is oukei met dit. Nou kom my goedkeuring nie meer van ʼn man, kinders of ʼn huis nie. Maar van ʼn plek van verhouding met my hemelse Vader, Jesus Christus, en die Heilige Gees, waar ek al drie opnuut weer leer ken. Dit is ʼn stelselmatige terugkeer na myself en my rol as gelowige. ʼn Versigtig-trap en fyn-luister verhouding, deurspek met genade.

Om God weer te vind tussen die pyn en selfveragting was moeilik om te verwerk. Immers kan ek niemand blameer behalwe myself nie. Dit is ʼn harde werklikheid waarmee ek moes deel.

In hierdie tyd wou ek wegkruip van God af. Bang dat Hy my sien vir wie ek is. Maar die wonderlike vreugde is dat Hy my wel vrygespreek en skoon gewas het.

Vader, in al sy wysheid, het geweet wat ek nodig gehad het, en het my omring met spesifieke vriende wat my begin dra het. Selfs in my woede, wanneer ek te velde getrek het teen God, het hulle my ondersteun. Dit het my koue hart vermurwe totdat dit naderhand heeltemal oop was om weer God se genade en liefde te ontvang. Ter bevestiging het God my beklee met ʼn ring aan die vinger. Sy stempel van eienaarskap. Dit was ʼn paradigm-kopskuif wat my in verwondering gelaat het.

Soos ʼn pottebakker het Hy my gevorm. Die draaitafel, my veilige hawe, waar Hy my gebrei het. Dit het my gevorm in ʼn kleipot met handvatsels en tuit. Bruikbaar en gietbaar.

In 1992 het ek gedink ek is die mooi goue kelk waaruit God kon drink. Verhewe bo mense: sonder foute. Vandag weet ek beter. Nou, in 2021 weet ek, ek is ʼn kleipot. Kompleet met krake, laste en growwe plekke. Ek is oukei daarmee. Dit het my vrede gebring.

Ek weet God is nog nie klaar met my nie. Die poets- en bakproses lê nog voor. Maar ek is veilig in die Pottebakker se hande.

Die vierde persoon in die oond is Jesus Christus self. My reddende genade. Wanneer ek in angsweet wakkerskrik oor my toekoms, moet ek myself vermaan dat God in beheer is. Hy is daar. Ek is nie alleen nie.

Wanneer ek my hand verwyder, wankel ek. Sodra ek dit terugsit, loop ek op die water saam met Hom. Hoekom? Want Hy is ʼn waarmaker van sy Woord.

Ek lees in Galasiërs dat God nie ʼn aannemer van persoon is nie. Ongeag wie ek was, God neem my aan. Ek moet bloot net sy verlossing in geloof aanvaar en dit my eie maak. Daar is geen reëls of enige vereistes daaraan verbonde nie. God se reddende genade het aan my verskyn. Wat God betref, het my verlede nooit gebeur nie, en sien Hy my as vrou, skoongewas, reg om as getuie vir Hom op te tree.

Dit is ʼn bevrydende gedagte wanneer ons weet God aanvaar ons net soos ons is. Dit maak ons vry van die wet en skuld wat ons op ʼn dwaalspoor wou lei. Ek is nou meer bedag op wat ek kyk, met wie ek kommunikeer, en wat ek lees.

Ek het ʼn passie om te leer en het aanlynkursusse ontdek. Wanneer daar ʼn ekstra geldjie is, skryf ek in. Die bevrydende gevoel van groei slaan deur in die boeke wat ek skryf. Die stories, ʼn platform waar ek my getuienis uitleef deur die verskillende karakters se wel en weë. Dit is fiksie, maar ook waarheid. Die lyn so fyn dat mense se oë sal oopgaan vir die werk van die Here, juis omdat ek dit so werklik maak.

Ek is nie ʼn marshallow-mens nie. Ek is nie eers ʼn natuurlike romantikus nie. Maar tussen die blaaie van skryf speel liefde altyd ʼn rol. Liefde is die een ding wat ons bind as mens. Waarna almal smag. Liefde en aanvaarding. Maar ook die reg om jou eie mens te wees en dan die verantwoordelikheid te vat vir die keuses wat jy gemaak het. Dit is wat ons as mens laat groei. Dit gee ons die aanvaarding wat ons soek.

Sodra ons prioriteite reg is, begin God in alle erns werk. Nie voor die tyd nie. Nie wanneer jy luister na fabels en leuens nie. Vernaamlik in die tyd van informasie. Die beskikbaarheid daarvan kan ons ver van God af lei, sonder dat ons dit besef. Indien jy nie die Woord van God ken nie, bring dit net verwarring in jou lewe. Dit is vanuit die verwarring wat ons dan verkeerde besluite maak wat ons toekoms beïnvloed. Nie net ons s’n nie, maar ook die mense saam met ons.

Onthou: elke keer wat jy iets besluit, raak dit jou maat en kinders (indien jy het). Jou vriendekring loop ook deur, selfs jou werksplek. Elke area word aangeraak: ten goede of ten slegte.

Maar, sodra as wat jy die onvervalste melk van God se Woord inneem, maak dit jou krom pad reguit. Dit gee jou die fondasie om sterk te staan in elke situasie. Dan word ons gelei na ʼn oop hemel, waar ons sy genade in oormaat ontvang en dit uitgegiet word aan ander dorstiges. Daardie plek waar ons in vrede kan wandel en weet dat ons toekoms sekuur in God se hande is.

Nie omdat ons dit verdien nie, maar omdat God dit so gee.

Galasiërs 1:3-5: “Genade en vrede vir julle van God ons Vader en die Here Jesus Christus, wat Homself vir ons sondes gegee het om ons te verlos uit hierdie goddelose wêreld en so die wil van God ons Vader te volbring. Aan God kom die heerlikheid toe tot in alle ewigheid! Amen.”

Hy maak ʼn weg. Hy is die waarheid. Glo dit. Leef dit.

Romeine 8.

Lynelle Clark

Monday, April 24, 2023

Dagstukkie: Verantwoordelike kindwees

Ons word elkeen in ʼn huis gebore met ouers en kinders. Elkeen het sy eie funksie wat ʼn dinamika na die tafel bring. Binne hierdie dinamika is daar verantwoordelikhede wat elkeen moet nakom.

Ma en pa voorsien, versorg, leer en gee baie liefde. Hulle dissiplineer ook. Ons hou nie baie daarvan nie. Maar dit gee ons die leiding om reg op te tree in elke situasie wat ons in ons lewe mag kry.

Kinders moet leer deur die instruksies te volg. Dit leer elke kind hoe om opdragte te volg. Selfs die wat nie so lekker is nie of nutteloos voel. Gesonde dissipline gee die kind ʼn veiligheidskokon waarbinne hy/sy weet dat hulle geliefd is. Dat hul ouers werklik omgee. 

In God se huishouding werk dit op dieselfde manier.

Die God-drie-eenheid en jy is onlosmaaklik deel van mekaar. Elkeen het ʼn funksie om te verrig. Jou funksie binne hierdie dinamiese uniekheid, is om God te eer. Sy verlossingswerk as volkome in jou lewe te ervaar, en Hom te ken in al jou weë. En natuurlik om te luister deur stil te word.

Jy kan niks vermag deur nie ingeskakel te wees by die Here nie. Dit is wat van jou ʼn ware kind van God maak.

Terwyl ek die boek van Galasiërs bestudeer, kom dit nog meer na vore. Dit is asof Paulus dit in groot, vetgedrukte letters skryf.

In Galasiërs 3word ʼn mens gekonfronteer met die absolute waarheid van hierdie uniekheid.

Jy sien, die mense in Galasiërs het in aanraking gekom met mense wat hulle vas wou maak aan die wet deur die ou gebruike terug te bring. Paulus het dit te hore gekom en konfronteer hulle met dit.

In Hoofstuk 3:1(a) Julle Galasiërs, is julle dan so sonder begrip? Wie het julle verstand benewel?”

Ek hou eintlik hoe dit in die Engelse Vertaling geskryf is: You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you?”

My en jou verantwoordelikheid kom daarin, dat ons sorgdra dat ons nie agter fabels of leuenaars aanloop nie. Wette en gebruike wat niks met ons geloof te doen het nie, het geen plek in ons geloofswandel nie. Mense wat ons probeer verlei om na hul opinies te luister, die Woord afwater en jou weglei van die Woord af, is skadelik vir jou groei.

Daarom is dit so belangrik, dat wat jy hoor en wat jy lees, aan die Woord gemeet moet word. Indien die Woord dit nie bevestig nie, stap weg daarvan, anders sal jy nes die gemeente in Galasiërs op ʼn dwaalspoor gelei word. ʼn Dwaalspoor wat jou baie pyn en lyding op die hals sal bring.

Ek weet nie van jou nie, maar ek is moeg om die berg te omsirkel omdat my manier van verstaan verkeerd was. Of omdat ek nie geluister het na die Woord van die Here nie, maar eerder na ʼn persoon geluister het.

Ons elkeen se verantwoordelikheid berus op wie ons ore ingestel is.

Dit is jou plig, as kind van God, om waaksaam te wees teen alle dwalinge, en God te ken in alles.


Vrae wat jy in gedagte kan hou:

·         Dit wat ek nou so pas gehoor het, is die Bybel in ooreenstemming daarmee?

·         Wil die persoon my teruglei na die wet toe?

·         Is dit nuttig of lei dit my verkeerd?

Hoe kan jy jou eie kennis verbeter:

·         Bestudeer die Bybel deur gebruik te maak van goeie bronne. Daar is soveel bronne om van te kies dat dit soms te moeilik of te veel is, maar jy is dit aan jouself verskuldig om te studeer. Jy is immers ʼn student wat moet leer en verstaan wat God vir jou wil sê. Toets jouself gereeld.

·         Naslaanbybels is ʼn goeie punt van lering. Doen kruisverwysings. Lees die skrifte wat almal daarmee te doen het in konteks.

·         Laat toe dat die Here jou leer, met ander woorde, raak stil voor die Here. Laat die Woord perkuleer in jou binneste. Herdink, herkou en leer totdat dit deel word van jou lewe.

·         ʼn Punt van waarskuwing: wanneer jy in twyfel is oor iets, moet asseblief nie Facebook toe hardloop vir raad nie. Gaan na iemand wat jy al getoets het. Iemand wat die Woord reg sny en vra.

·         Maak tyd om die Woord te eet. Kou dit fyn, en jy sal agterkom hoe soet God se Woord werklik is.


Jy verskuldig dit aan jouself om tyd met God te maak en sy Woord as ʼn waarheid te vat. Bestudeer Galasiërs – vers vir vers.

Smaak en sien die goedheid van die Here daarin.

Lynelle Clark

Skakels in 'n Ketting 2

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Monday, April 17, 2023

Dagstukkie: ‘n Sterk tou

Pappa, ouboet en ma. ʼn Onlosmaaklike Drie-eenheid.

Dit is hoe ons die Goddelike Drie-eenheid op menslike vlak kan beskryf.

Hemelse Vader is ons Pappa. Die een wat als onderhou. Die een wat praat en wêrelde kom in plek. Lig maak plek vir duisternis en die aarde breek oop en gee kos aan elkeen van ons – mens en dier.

Jesus Christus is ons Ouboet. Die een wat in die bres tree wanneer ons droog maak. Die een wat by ons bly wanneer ons bang is. Die een wat ons kom leer wie die Vader is en dit makliker maak om die Woord te verstaan omdat Hy die Woord is.

Heilige Gees is die ma. Die een wat ons vertroos, ons leer, ons vashou en soen wanneer ons dit nodig het. Die een wat ons aanpor om nog beter te doen en wat in die bres tree wanneer ons foute gemaak het.

ʼn Onlosmaaklike drie-eenheid met wie ons elkeen kan identifiseer. Baie van ons prentjies is skeef wanneer dit kom by elkeen van hierdie figure juis omdat ons verhoudings met pa, broer/suster en ma nie altyd van die beste is nie. Dan projekteer ons daardie argwaan en seer op die Goddelike eweknie.

Persoonlik kan ek daarmee identifiseer.

Ek bly by my pa. My pa is 80 en daar is 24 jaar verskil tussen ons. Hy sien my as die klein dogtertjie wat elke dag geleer moet word. Van kosmaak tot wat ek eet. Bestuur is ʼn nagmerrie wanneer hy in die kar is. En, indien ek nie waaksaam is nie, kan my gevoelens van disrespek en woede geprojekteer word na die hemelse Vader. Dan moet ek rustig raak, kop hou en verby die seerdinge kyk.

Omdat hy vergeetagtig is, sal hy gedurig stry omdat ek kwansuis nie die vloer gewas het nie. Dit sal hy dan aan almal wat wil hoor vertel. Volgens hom doen ek dan niks in die huis nie. Daardie doelbewuste leuen maak my witwarm by tye. Soms stap ek weg, ander kere wil ek myself verdedig.

Net so met my broer. Daar is tye wat ek en hy net nie eye-to-eye sien nie. Dan ontaard dit in ʼn bakleiery wat my stom laat. Dit laat wonde en ek vind na so ʼn skermutseling dat my verhouding met Christus daaronder lei. Dit ontneem my van vrymoedigheid en ek sal eerder met die Vader praat as met Jesus tydens die skermutselings.

Omdat my ma alreeds by die Vader is, is die tekort aan aanvaarding en liefde ʼn groot leemte in my lewe, en vind ek dat ek min met die Heilige Gees praat. Ek is bewus van sy werkinge in en deur my, maar ek gee Hom nie altyd die plek wat Hy verdien nie.

Ons aardse verhoudings het ʼn rol te speel met ons toenadering tot God. Meer as wat ons soms wil erken. Maar dit is juis hierdie verhoudings wat ons opbou en die skanse afbreek om nederig te bly.

Verhoudings op elke vlak is ʼn daaglikse oefening van gee en neem. Indien ek nie moeite doen om te gee van my kant nie, kan ek nie ontvang nie. Ek kan ook nie elke keer net verwag om te kry as ek nie my kant bring nie. Deur daaglikse kontak leer ons mekaar ken. Ek weet hoe my pa van sy tee hou. Op watter tye hy koffie sal drink. Elke ete het sy eie eetgerei. Ek moet dit weet anders is daar moeilikheid.

Net so is die verhouding met die Goddelike drie-eenheid. Indien ek nie my besige program eenkant toe skuif en tyd maak met die Bybel en bid nie, gaan ek nie elkeen se hart leer ken nie. Ek gaan nie weet hoe hulle oor my voel nie. Watse raad hulle vir my wil gee of hoe om op te tree in ʼn spesifieke situasie nie.

In kort, ek gaan in die donker rondtas met geen duidelikheid in ʼn gegewe situasie nie.

Nie my pa of broer glo daaraan om verskoning te vra nie, en ek het al geleer om net verby dit te kom op my manier. Hulle manier van flikflooi sal wees om te skimp vir ietsie lekker om te eet. Of, kan ek asseblief die vlek op ʼn broek uithaal. Dan weet ek als is nou weer reg en kan ek met vrymoedigheid asemhaal.

Verhoudings is delikate organismes wat elkeen op meriete hanteer moet word. Die grootste gemene faktor is gewoonlik hoeveel keer ek bereid is om die knie te buig en hoeveel keer is ek bereid om te luister. Wanneer ek luister, hoor ek iets wat ek andersins sou gemis het.

Netso met my verhouding met God. Wanneer ek stil raak, minder word, dan hoor ek God se stem duidelik. Ek kan vrylik asemhaal, want nou verstaan ek, en my liefde vir God groei.

Waar kan jy minder word, sodat God meer kan word?


Lynelle Clark

Skakels van 'n Ketting 2

Pointers on how to navigate through this life.

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