Monday, May 29, 2023

Devotional: Week 4 Stubborn Stains

Job 1:22 caused me to pause and reevaluate my own life. It says, “Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God”.

How often do we struggle with the stubborn stains in life?

The unanswered prayers, the persistent struggle that goes on for years without results? For some, it is sickness, financial difficulties, continuous work loss, addictions: the list goes on.

My burden of continuous financial lack and work loss is a heavy burden that has played havoc in my mind and my life. Sometimes I would cry out to the Lord, lay out the best argument, but still no genuine answer comes.

It seems there is no remedy to cure this stain in my life.

When I read the scripture in Job, it knocked me off a peg or two. Never did he sin nor did he blame God for any of his difficulties.

I, on the other, blame God for my problems at least once a week. Sometimes, I am frightful and grumpy. Days that I think this new plan/work will work just to fall flat on my face. Only when I read this scripture did I realize why Job was blessed. He never sinned nor blamed God and we know that his wealth was restored to him many times over.

Instead of trying every means possible to get the stains out, we should stop and pray. We should get the attitude of Job and praise God, close our ears off from those good intention friends, but who bring no value to our life. Ignore the nay-sayers and those that try to intimidate us.

Look to God. He is our only solution. His word has not failed us, we have failed him.

Only when we stop shifting blame and listen can we truly be satisfied.


Heavenly Father, I confess my sin towards you. I confess I have sinned before you. Help me get my attitude right. Help me stay focus on your Word.

Father, I trust you to keep me secure in the knowledge of who you are and to stay focus. Help me see what you do in my life. Close my ears to the nay-sayers and the doubters. Keep them far from me.

Thank you for your understanding and wisdom, but mostly Lord, for provision and healing in my life.

In Jesus Name, Amen.


Image obtained from Pexel.

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