Showing posts with label belief. Show all posts
Showing posts with label belief. Show all posts

Monday, December 19, 2022

Creativity 101: Your mind.


I wrote to block out my reality.
I wrote to block out all the anger and pain.
I wrote of lost dreams and empty promises all in fiction form to create a happy ending.
I wrote 22 books during that time.
Our mind is a powerful tool.
A tool that can propel us forward or set us in park mode for a long time. Unless we do something about it.
Our mind is controlled by our experiences, cultural surroundings, and emotions. Even the people we hang out with has an effect. This is the reason we should be wary with who we associate.
Our mind is like a sponge that takes everything in, then compartmentalized them into folders. Some to use now, others to use later. And others to use as our momentum to move or stop.
The more you fill it with good, positive things, the more you will grow. Those things are like vitamins to your body.
To be a whole person, you must guard your heart and mind. To be effective in the world.
No matter the bad that has happened in the past, you can change the bad in the good and the ugly in the best by building and growing.
Once you die.
Back then, I knew my artistic side needed an outlet which spilled over on paper. I was astonished and flabbergasted at the same time. Even ten years later, I still have the thrill of creating something from the words in my mind.
What do you do to feed your mind?
With what do you feed it?
How can you benefit from investing in the good to excel?

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Release your creativity: Part 3: Change

 “Our belief system is the driving force behind our behaviours and the results we get in life. If we change our beliefs, we will change our behaviours. When we change our behaviours, we will change our results. Then, when we change our results, we will change our lives!”

Change is never easy.

A few weeks ago, I heard in my spirit it is time to clean. Then my mentor called and confirmed this. All the junk of the past must be thrown away. Old journals, photos, diaries, ornaments that have no purpose. It took me a while to get into the flow, but once I started, it became easier. Now I don’t have to think about it too much. I just act. And the change is WOW.

If the Holy Spirit hasn’t pressed it in on my heart, i would have never done it. I knew I needed to do it. The past can hold you back even without the promptings I knew this. There were too many triggers lying dormant in my mind, and each time I stumbled on it, a trigger was released. Shame, anger, regret are all things that can hold you back from creating.

I would have missed it if I wasn't open to His promptings. If I didn’t have a belief system, I would have no driving force that would have prompted me to clean up.

It is important to be connected with a source higher than yourself. You are an empty vessel without a compass.

Once we begin, our behaviours changes as well. Nowadays, I drink less and less. The taste of any alcohol has lost its appeal. I still make mistakes, but I am more aware of what I say or do. But it is changing.

The result is that I have begun with The KreativPreneur Club FB group. This challenges me to think out of the box instead of being focused only on one thing. My words flow with ease and it becomes a joy to write.

I also take it easier and is more relaxed. I trust the process and I trust God. God will do the rest. For the first time in a long time, I gave a word of encouragement to a friend. It touched me deeply as I wrote it and cried while writing it.

The more we allow God to move through us and trust His flow and direction, the more we will become in sync with Him and do the things He presses on our hearts. It is then that our lives will change.

I can do with a change in my life. And already I can feel the rumblings in my spirit and feel the excitement as it grows with each day because I know God is busy. I just have to trust Him and stay connected to Him.  

I don’t always understand what He is doing or why He does certain things the way He does, but I know He is in control.

Let the river flow.

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5

Free Download: Introduction Release Your Creative Manual 

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Release your creativity: Part 2: Belief

Last time I wrote about how the lack of knowledge will cause your spiritual/physical death. If we don’t apply knowledge to the inspiration and dreams and act, it will remain fruitless.

Now we take it a little further by adding substance to our knowledge, and that is called belief.

Who do you believe in? What do you believe, and how do you apply your belief in your creativity?

“Why do most people find it so difficult to put the required action behind their knowledge? I believe it is nothing more than a lack of belief.”

The moment you connect with God, streams of living water flows.

Our creativity is like a river that has to flow continually to grow. If we do not put action to the flow, it will stale and dry up. Blocks appear, and what we experience or feel in our hearts doesn’t manifest in the medium you are led to use.

One of the main reasons this happens is our lack of faith in ourselves.

When we have a lack of faith in our abilities, we stop the flow. The only way to recharge it is to connect with the Living Creator that is the beginning of our creativity. He is our source, the very substance of our existence. We cannot separate the two.

Charles Spurgeon used a wonderful analogy to describe how faith works. An anchor on a boat might look beautiful, but it is useless. In fact, it is only an ornament while it lies on the boat.

Only when it is tossed into the waters and reaches the seabed, can it become useful. It is created to work in the silent dark places to anchor the boat. It wasn’t created to be an ornament.

If we don’t believe in God, we can’t have faith in our abilities. The two are interlinked. Once your connection is secure, faith works.

An anchor is connected with its source. It cannot do its work properly if it’s not connected.

This is how faith is. Only when you use it, does it become useful. Our faith must come into action in order to release the flow of creativity in our lives. If we don’t use it, it is a mere ornament that gathers dust on our vessel.

The only thing we can do to make it work is by acting in faith and toss it into the sea once that connection is established. This is where our belief in the divine will be tested.

By Faith [that is, with an inherent trust and enduring confidence in the power, wisdom, and goodness of God] we understand that the worlds (universe, ages) were framed and created [formed, put in order, and equipped for their intended purposes] by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.

Hebr: 11.3 (Amp)

When our belief is shattered or misplaced by the troubles of this world, we are like a Lasarus who is still wrapped in he’s death cloth; who can hear but cannot see and who still stinks and is unable to communicate.

It is only when the death cloth is removed that we can truly see the new life promised to us. Once we see and hear, can we communicate and the creativity be released.

Talk to someone close to you if you struggle with this or talk to me, and connect to the Source of your hope. Jesus Christ, the anointed of God, establishes that connection, and see what God will do in and through you.

Let the river flow.

Your KreativPreneur


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