Friday, February 24, 2023

Third Principle of Creativity


The third principle: When we open ourselves to our creativity, we open ourselves to the creator’s creativity within us and it expands to our lives.

In the presence of the Lord, we find answers. Because, in His presence, we open ourselves to God’s impartation. We allow Him to take centre stage and perform the creative miracle we are longing for.

I can honestly say that I have never gone into a fast-moving river, lay on my back, and enjoyed the ride. My analytical-realistic brain stops me at the edge as I watch the water pass.

I grew up next to the Orange River in the Northern Cape. It is an intimidating river that snakes through the Kalahari with a quiet stillness. From a far it is beautiful and inspiring but up close it shows a strength that warns you to step lightly. The riverbanks at some places so steep to keep you away and at other places you can step into the shallow waters as it laps at your feet. Even in the days when we were standing on the sandbanks inside the river, learning to swim, I always approached it with high regard. Its presence left a great impression on my younger soul. It still does.

Currently, it is in flood, its power sending shock waves through the community and awe in the rest of us. Then, it accumulates at the Augrabies Waterfall as a thunderous body of water into a very steep ravine. It is a sight to behold. I was there in 2021 when it was in flood as well. That mighty roar spoke to my spirit-man, and I cried. A mixture of awe, fear, and respect that you cannot explain to another person. The roar to deafening and the presence of God so real that you could feel the tantalizing power right into your bones.

Right at this moment, the thunderous roar of the Augrabies Falls is ten times that and has been closed for public viewing.

Can you imagine, Father God, inviting us into that powerful body of water to reveal His greatness to us? Yes, even His creativity is shown to us as He urges us to relax and ride it out with Him.

With that image in mind, it can be intimidating to approach God’s presence, but God wants us there. A place where we can trust Him. Rely on Him and experience God’s creative power to come to its fullness.

“God, are you for real?” I would ask, then I would see a smile spreading across His beautiful face as He nods. Yes, He is real.

When I was younger, I always accompanied my father and uncles on the small blue boat across the river. It was such an adventure, even though it was scary. But that small boat was sturdy, and the men understood the streams and rowed us safely across to where my grandfather’s farmland was. Today you can access the island by car much easier. Back then, it would take too long to go around reaching the island from the other side. Besides, you would miss the splendour of such a journey. So, we always took the boat, and my uncle’s dog swam next to us. Always reaching the riverbank first.

(My cousin replaced the oars with an engine which made the trip so much quicker.)

I remember the firm hold I had on the sides of that boat as my father and uncles rowed us across that brooding water. The water sliding underneath your fingers as sunrays danced on the surface. Capturing you into silence. The stretch of water so close you can taste its very existence.

For some reason, I always think of that river when I read about the rivers in the Bible. The mesmerising awe it inspires to lie back and enjoy the ride while God does His thing.

This is what I experience when I see point three of the basic principles of creativity. God invites us into the mighty river to show us what He has in store for us. The question is, will we trust Him enough?

Once we do, our creativity flows from our heart to our mind, to our hands and fingers. Our hands and fingers are only the tools God uses, but the creativity itself begins in our spirit. There, God the creator gives us images of what He wants to birth in us. It is only in a place of trusting and relaxing that we truly can experience God’s creativity to work through us.

Your thoughts are always welcome, so add it in the comments.

Let the river flow.

©Lynelle Clark 2022

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