Showing posts with label Newsletter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Newsletter. Show all posts

Monday, January 9, 2023

Are you a Plotter or Pantser in Life?



“I cannot imagine a sorrier pursuit than struggling for years to write a book that attempts to appeal to people who do not read in the first place.”

Annie Dillard, The Writing Life

Dear friend,

The moral of the quote is simple, live your own life and be your own person.

2023 is already nine days strong. There is no more turning back. It is here to stay for the next 356 days. What you do with it is up to you.

So, draft that story, attend that class you always wanted, read that book, dance your heart out, bake that cake, paint the empty canvas that is gathering dust...

It you think about it, our lives are very much like a pantser’s dream. If you are a writer, you will understand the meaning. For those who aren’t, a Pantser is a writer who writes by the seat of his pants with no real plan in mind. There are times that the plotline is remarkable and at times it frays at the seams. Normally those type of plotlines lose its momentum in the middle and either the writer lose interest and walks away or finds himself stuck at that page for days, months and even years.  

But with a little planning, you can minimize the dreadful middle with a clear understanding of how you will reach the end. The Plotter is the one that does the work before the story begins. He does the research, get the characters in place, knows the topic well before he commence and can write the book in a short amount of time.

Life is like that, we cannot take the year on with no idea what we want to do with the 365 days gifted to us on day one.

Therefore, goals and planning is so important. Yes, things can still go wrong even when you plan everything perfectly. The character you really like becomes ill, a mad dash to the restaurant cause a serious accident, a tree falls on the roof…life happens, and we have no control over it. Things happen but when you have a plan in place then those accidents and obstacles becomes part of the story that gives it greater velocity and makes it endearing and believable.

So, author that book who no one might read. Dance your heart out even if you are alone…do the things you love and stop comparing yourself with others. Make this your year.

I want to leave you with this one question: how will you take this year on: as a Pantser or Plotter?

Book news:

I finished the Writer’s Journal for Beginners and it is available in PDF form in my online store. Ready to download. Writer's Journal for Beginners (

While there, browse around the store. I have added the digital formats to my books as well.

For those that haven’t seen it, I have podcasted some of my short stories in my native tongue. You can listen to it on Spotify.

Die Legende van Spoorbek (

Die Genooides (

Amazon Kindle: Lynelle Clark and paperbacks.

Sign up for my newsletter to keep up to date.

Contact if you have a question or would like me to be part of any book project.   

I bless you with this song for 2023. Protector by by Kim Walker-Smith, Protector.

May the Lord be with you and bless you in this year. May His face shine upon you and you know without any doubt how much He loves you.


The KreativPreneurs  Club Facebook group.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Newsletter, gifts and book news.


I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.”

Albert Einstein


Dear friend,

This is my last email for the year 2022.

This will be a very short email with the essentials I want to point out.

There are many wins I am very grateful for.

Wins includes:

1.      Two stories was included into books by Myra Lochner from Kreativ SA

2.      Another story was included in a charity project run by Ns. Skrywershuis. The owner, Nico Schamrel has done extraordinary things here and I am extremely proud to be included. ‘n Gebed vir 'n Boer is now available in paperback

3.      Another story is included in a book by Ink in Afrikaans

4.      A novella was read over Die Waarheid online radio;

5.      Two devotional books were published and compiled by Driekie Grobler;

6.      And, I began The KreativPreneurs Club Facebook group.

7.      Currently, I am busy to get things ready for the creative online course and workshops for next year. But more about that next year.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Newsletter no 20: Collaborated Gratefulness

Dear friend,

"If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself." Henry Ford

This year is almost at an end.

It was a year of challenges, new experiences, and a deepening of my faith. Through it, I had discovered that I am stronger and more resilient than believed. I don’t think we appreciate that fact enough about ourselves.

Being resilient teaches us to endure with the goal in mind. To stay on course even when the ship is bounced around with raging winds against us and strong currents that threaten to pull us underneath the surface. Thank God for the anchor of hope that keeps us upright.

I've learned to look at the bigger picture than what I'm seeing right now. Once our eyes are fixed on the goal, no judgment or condemnation can touch us. Through my creativity, I have learned to be ignorant of the impossibilities and open for the changes it brings.

The year was filled with small surprises and wonders that became a beacon of hope. My pen (keyboard) diligently writing as more words are strung together. To complete stories, articles, and short stories for my blog and groups I belong to.

Through collaboration, I could add six more books to my growing list. I am extremely grateful for each of these blessings. I am humbled and deeply touched by each book that was published. Skakels van ‘n Ketting 1 & 2 are devotional books by Driekie Grobler. Kloof and ‘n Tiekie Romantiek are short stories and poems by Myra Lochner. Ink in Afrikaans is a short story bundle, and the sixth book is My Gebed vir ‘n Boer. All written in my native tongue.

My Gebed vir ‘n Boer Boek Twee can be ordered at Ns. Skrywershuis. It is a charity project for the families of murdered farmers in South Africa. A lot of work has been done to bring this to publication by Nico Schamrel. Anneline Kriel is the patron of this project. She was Ms Universe in 1974 and very active. A beautiful woman, strong and vigilant that we are all proud of.

Another wonder that happened was the reading of my short story, Verlore Gisters by Floris van Zyl on Die Waarheid online radio. It was written during a mini competition, Skryf jou Storie Facebook group.

To those on my list, if you are an Afrikaans speaking person, no matter where you live in this world, you can enter the competition here: Die Grootste Skryf Kompetisie. If you know an Afrikaans speaking person, share the link with them.

In this year I also began a new Facebook group: The KreativPreneur Club and I want to invite you to join. It is a holistic platform created for creatives to encourage and support one another.

I trust that 2022 was a good year for you and that your faith and hope have grown.

I want to bless you with part one of my book, Love at War, which you can download here:

Author’s Lead Magnet and the Introduction to Release Your Creativity.

Part of The KreativPreneur brand is to begin a new business and create new products. I have partnered with my daughter Odette and am excited about the new venture.

This was birthed when I was looking for a wedding gift for dear friends. I wanted it to be something exclusive and created the couple's journal. The rest was about making it workable, the step my daughter fulfills perfectly.

A great thank you to her for always supporting me in all I do.  

The Couples Journal, complete with flash cards for the newlyweds.

Each book is individually made and available in Afrikaans or English.

There are 52 x Flashcards in a separate box made from MDF wood.

The one in the picture is an A4 Landscape journal with 300 Pages, but it can be altered to fewer pages to accommodate your requirements or resized to an A5 book.

It is printed on personalised paper for an added touch with enough space to add pictures of the couple’s journey.

Email me at if you are interested in such a gift for a couple or for yourself.  

Do visit my store and sign up for my newsletter to keep up to date.


Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Entering a New Season


"Spring passes and one remembers one's innocence. Summer passes and one remembers one's exuberance. Autumn passes and one remembers one's reverence. Winter passes and one remembers one's perseverance." — Yoko Ono

Change is never easy but it is necessary.

For us to enjoy the newness of this season, we have to make things easier. When we simplify, we create room to grow and we can receive new things the Father has in store for us. If we hold on to the old things, the new things have no place to fit.

The Bible says you cannot put new wine in an old wineskin, so you must make room to receive.

It is a careful balance; and if you do it correctly; it can take you into the new.

Last month, I joined the Kingdom Writers Conference where I was confronted with a good deal of new information and a fresh anointing that confirmed the cleansing change. I really had to rethink my strategy and rethink my Why and How. That, after I have set up a business plan to begin a platform for like-minded creatives.

I was in for a big surprise and had to really come to grips with this in order to accept and change or be stuck and become stagnant.

For starters, my website’s platform has changed, and the name has changed. This wasn’t an overnight change but a gradual change from WordPress to Blogger that had its own challenges. I will share all the new links in the next session.

But it comes down to simplicity and clarity. For myself and to my followers.

As a creative being, I have many outlets and each needs its own spotlight.

  1. As a writer, a website is essential for sales and marketing. After all, we like to talk about books.
  2. As a freelancer, I need a place to advertise my services.
  3. As a reviewer and blogger, I like to talk about the books I have read.
  4. A platform for like-minded people also needs a space.
  5. And as a coach, I need a space to talk about the things/problems we face.

Quite a momentous task, but once everything is in place, it just needs to be maintained.

When I began I was overwhelmed and deflated, but now that the end is insight I feel lighter and more energised with the recent developments.

So, no matter how much we argue or kick against the changes in the long run, it is beneficial.

A river can only flow easily when it receives fresh water. And fresh water only comes from a source that is without debris and flow with ease.

May this season be a refreshing joy for you.

I bless you.

​You expected to be sad in the fall. Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees and their branches were bare against the wind and the cold, wintry light. But you knew there would always be the spring, as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen." — Ernest Hemingway

Pointers on how to navigate through this life.

  A Sixty-year-old’s Perspective. As we become older, it’s easier to look at life and what we have learned because we look in retrospectio...