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Showing posts sorted by date for query creative writing. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, December 19, 2022

Dream until God gives you the assurance.

A revived post from 2020. 

I am not a person who always says what's on my mind and seldom what's on my heart, but I am prompted to do so today. A revelation that lifted my spirit.

Maybe someone needs to hear it as well.

I start to write in 2010.

I wrote to block out my reality.

I wrote to block out the empty cupboards, the demanding phone calls of creditors. Writing kept me from looking out the window to see the tall grass that could not be cut. My eyes swimming in tears as my children left their safe place because we could not provide in their needs anymore. I felt like a failure, worthless and purposeless.

I wrote to block out all the anger and pain, the rejection we have experienced from church, the lack of support from anyone we thought were our friends at that time. Standing alone in a very harsh world, without support, it is a harsh place to be.

I wrote of lost dreams and empty promises all in fiction form. Because in fiction I can write a happy ending. Though my world had nothing to offer me.

I wrote 22 books during that time. Only five books were published so far. Many of my books started off differently from its conception. But as I grew, the stories grew, changed, and developed where they are now: published and read.

At that stage, there was still a ‘we’ in the equation. After 2014, ‘we’ became though I took the step to walk away, I was off balance with no understanding or idea of how to move forward. I had no form of financial support, had no income and no earthly possessions.

Then I began to dream. It was a slow process of trusting myself first, then others.

(This was a long process and one I will not talk about now. I want to get to the revelation part.)

At the end of 2019, I was invited to attend an Eksderde camp where MariƩ Bosman (van den Berg) spoke directly into my life. Infused by God's knowledge, she said, "God has given you a blank page."

At the time, it elevated me, but I didn't understand. I ran with it like a thirsty beggar but still felt unworthy, not sure where I fit in. I was still off-balance, unsure and desperate. And very much in lack.

Was God's promises of yesteryear still effective? Did my current dreams coincide with God's plan for me? How did it all fit? Were some questions I faced.

Then I met Joe van den Berg, and he said, "Your past is the past, you have a new slate. The words you received, the promises you received, they are over. It is time for new ones."

It was like a click within.

It is a clean slate. From this moment forward, all promises and dreams is a new beginning.

The revelation part:

I read the Fourth Dimension from Dr Cho, where he talked about receiving assurances from God for your dream.

And the second click happened.

Back in 2010, I wrote to forget; I wrote about anything. From spiritual stories to erotic and everything in between. It was my saving grace during a difficult time. It blinded me from reality. But it also blinded me to many truths. At the times the lies became bigger, and my sins had a field day.

Since 2019, my writing has changed. My fears and anger do not surface within the pages nor my desires or longings of things not meant. It is more focused now.

My dream is to be a New York best-selling author, to own a book and coffee shop and create a safe environment for all creative beings not only writers. (The reason for the name change.)

To get back to Dr Cho's book and to cut an exceptionally long story short, he said to keep on dreaming and talking about it. For others, it might seem foolish or a pipe dream. Sometimes I feel neglected and even looked over, but He encouraged me to keep on dreaming and planning until God gives me the promise, the red seal, so to speak. God will approve or object, but my work is to continue with it until...

When you step away from a long-time marriage, your world tilts dramatically. In this time, God will allow you to make decisions and even allow you to make mistakes while He keeps you safe... Looking back I can point you to all the times He provided and protected me from myself and others that meant me harm I am still in awe about it.

The best part of this long tale is that when God gives you a new page, he means it. But he also wants to see how serious you are. By giving you a clean slate, He gives you a second chance. We all begin anew at some stage of our lives. All you have to do is keep on dreaming and doing until God gives you the red seal, the assurance.

That dream will propel you forward. It will help you grow and it will help you find your feet again. Just hang in. God is in control.

If you are unsure or off balance because of life's knocking around, push through. Get the dream on paper. See it. Live it until God comes and put a stamp of approval on it. If not, then it still will not be wasted time. Because you have learned new skills. Who knows where it will lead?

Trust God when he says he has given you a new page.


Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Creativity 101: What is a holistic platform?

Creativity 101

My intent with this blog /group is twofold:

     To bring like-minded people together who have a passion or drive to create and to show it off in a safe environment without ridicule or judgement.
And to help people to get unlocked, unblocked, unsecured, unfastened, and connected with the well of creativity that is within each of us. Whether or not you use it at this stage, you are a creative being with the ability to create.

With each part I will go deeper into it but for now I will give the absolute necessities to understand what it means.

The things we experience within that continue feeling that something is amiss is, in fact, your creativity that is looking for an escape. It is so integrally part of you that you cannot be alive without expressing it through some sort of creativity.

Whether you bake, knit, sing, write, dance, paint… you create.

Within the comments, let me know your thoughts and struggles. Your input is valuable.

For us, to understand what KreativPreneurs are, we must begin at the beginning.

Why do I say this is a holistic platform?

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary Holistic means:


characterized by the belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can be explained only by reference to the whole:

"the solution demands a holistic approach and a strategic vision of what can be achieved" · "poverty will need to be addressed holistically."


characterized by the treatment of the whole person, considering mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of an illness:

"many people conclude holistic medicines are beneficial" · "a truly alternative holistic medical practice" · "a holistic therapist"


According to, it means:

As an adjective

1.      Of or relating to holism. Webster's New World.

Similar definitions:

2. Emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts. American Heritage Medicine.

3.   Off, concerned with, or dealing with wholes or integrated systems rather than with their parts. Webster's New World.

    Similar definitions

4.   Designating or of healthcare that takes a patient's nutritional, environmental, and psychological factors into account. Webster's New World.

5.    Incorporating unconventional treatment, as, variously, folk medicine, yoga, acupuncture, massage, etc.


General Systems Theory, a related modern concept [to holism], says that each variable in any system interacts with the other variables so thoroughly that cause and effect cannot be separated. A simple variable can be both cause and effect. Reality will not be still. And it cannot be taken apart! You cannot understand a cell, a rat, a brain structure, a family, a culture if you isolate it from its context. Relationship is everything.”

Marilyn Ferguson The Aquarian Conspiracy


We are all students of life:

Holistic education (also: holistic learning) is an approach to education that involves educating a person so that they will become a well-rounded and confident being who contributes productively to their community (in serving and being a solution when it is called for). It focuses on developing care for others and respect for the environment. It pays equal respect to the emotional, social, and cognitive wellbeing of the learner. ChrisDrew (PhD)


Another scholarly definition, from Marshman (2010, p. 3):

“Holistic education focuses on the fullest possible development of the person, encouraging
individuals to become the very best or finest that they can be and enabling them to experience all they can from life and reach their goals.”

Is that not what we all want? To be fully developed, to serve those with our talents and reach our goals. I know I am. As you, I learn with each new information I receive.


A Holistic Writer (artist)…

1. Sees their work from the outside in.

2. Understand their work as the sum of its parts.

3. Sees those parts only in relation to each other and the whole.

4. Sees their fiction in relation to their person.

5. Cannot separate their writing life and their everyday life, because they are the same.


What the Bible says:

We are earthen vessels that need to be filled.

Streams of living water will pour from us once we connect with God.

We are created in the image of God. 

He is the Creator, and we have His DNA. Therefore, we can create.


Next time, we will look further into ourselves. What it means when we hear: body, soul and mind. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Release your creativity: Part 3: Change

 “Our belief system is the driving force behind our behaviours and the results we get in life. If we change our beliefs, we will change our behaviours. When we change our behaviours, we will change our results. Then, when we change our results, we will change our lives!”

Change is never easy.

A few weeks ago, I heard in my spirit it is time to clean. Then my mentor called and confirmed this. All the junk of the past must be thrown away. Old journals, photos, diaries, ornaments that have no purpose. It took me a while to get into the flow, but once I started, it became easier. Now I don’t have to think about it too much. I just act. And the change is WOW.

If the Holy Spirit hasn’t pressed it in on my heart, i would have never done it. I knew I needed to do it. The past can hold you back even without the promptings I knew this. There were too many triggers lying dormant in my mind, and each time I stumbled on it, a trigger was released. Shame, anger, regret are all things that can hold you back from creating.

I would have missed it if I wasn't open to His promptings. If I didn’t have a belief system, I would have no driving force that would have prompted me to clean up.

It is important to be connected with a source higher than yourself. You are an empty vessel without a compass.

Once we begin, our behaviours changes as well. Nowadays, I drink less and less. The taste of any alcohol has lost its appeal. I still make mistakes, but I am more aware of what I say or do. But it is changing.

The result is that I have begun with The KreativPreneur Club FB group. This challenges me to think out of the box instead of being focused only on one thing. My words flow with ease and it becomes a joy to write.

I also take it easier and is more relaxed. I trust the process and I trust God. God will do the rest. For the first time in a long time, I gave a word of encouragement to a friend. It touched me deeply as I wrote it and cried while writing it.

The more we allow God to move through us and trust His flow and direction, the more we will become in sync with Him and do the things He presses on our hearts. It is then that our lives will change.

I can do with a change in my life. And already I can feel the rumblings in my spirit and feel the excitement as it grows with each day because I know God is busy. I just have to trust Him and stay connected to Him.  

I don’t always understand what He is doing or why He does certain things the way He does, but I know He is in control.

Let the river flow.

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5

Free Download: Introduction Release Your Creative Manual 

Friday, September 16, 2022

I attended the Kingdom Writers Conference from the 12 - 16 September 2022.

I just completed a writer's online conference with Shelly and CJ Hitz and what a phenomenal time I had.

I literally saw this advertised on Instagram and felt a nudge from the Lord to click the more information button and cannot say thank you enough for all the golden nuggets I have received over the last four days.
Although I couldn't attend all the live meetings due to load shedding, I had an absolute blast. Luckily, all the speakers' video clips were prerecorded and could I listen once the power was restored.
From the get go, they were clear who their Source is, in whose strength they are doing this conference while being to the point and professional at all times. Their faith was a continuous thread throughout the four-day summit and the anointing tangible throughout.
To say something about each of the speakers would be time-consuming, but each brought their uniqueness to the platform, and I was blown away. Not only by all the freebies I received so graciously, but all the information I, too, can implement on my creative journey. I bless you all.
Every area of writing was touched on: from how to grow your email list, book launching, how to use the social media platforms, collaborations, etc.
I have been in turmoil for a while now and when my website went down with no understanding how to save it; I was discouraged and disillusioned. Especially because I was on the verge of launching a creative platform of my own. Couple that with a ligament tare in my right arm, that struggles to heal, and I was not in a good place.
But now my mind has shifted and I feel like a fresh well springing from my inner being and, like a sponge, I drank and prayed about all this new information, asking what to use and what to put to the side for now.
So, if you ever see an advert about the next Kingdom Writers Conference, attend. It is worth the time and effort. Your take aways will be enormous.


3 Often Overlooked Strategies You Can Use Today to Start Selling More Books Using the Power of Collaborations
CJ Hitz
Courageous Collaboration: The Risks and Rewards of Reaching Out to Others
Create a Podcast with Impact to Grow Your Author Platform and Sell More Books
Grow Your Email List Using Media Interviews
Boost Your Book Sales Through Speaking Engagements
How to Host a Book Signing Party with Power and Pizzazz
Sell More Books With Collaborations
The Power of Networking at In-Person Writer's Conferences
How to Maximize Book Sales at In-Person Events
Write The Dream and Make it Plain
Common Mistakes Authors Make When Pitching Podcasts
How To Create A Successful Book Collaboration Project
How to Grow Your Email List As an Author Using Instagram
Acceleration through Kingdom Collaboration
Partnering With God in Your Creative Projects
Launch & Promote your Book with a Micro Audio Summit
Leading a Multi-Author Project (MAP)
Collaboration Using Social Audio
A Thriving Creative Career
Anthologies for Authors
Multi-Author Boxed Sets
Partnership Prep: What to Consider When Entering a Partnership
Selling Bulk Orders of Your Books
Building Your Network Through the Power of Generosity
Managing Your Anthology Without Losing Your Mind


Creating a Multi-Author Christmas Gift Giving Guide
How to Grow Your Author Platform Through Freelance Writing
Getting Published in Anthologies as a Writer
Selling Books at Speaking Engagements
The Power of Working with a Team

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

What I wish I knew sooner about writing.

I saw this list a while back—unsure about the source but found it worthwhile. 

Here's a list of what I wish I would've known sooner (in no particular order):

1.    You are creative. Everyone is creative.

2.    You don’t have to be a "guru" or an expert – just be a person, learning in public.

3.    Don’t reinvent the wheel, but don’t blindly follow the model either.

4.    Relationships with people that know, like, and trust you is more valuable long-term than anything else.

5.    One of the best ways to strengthen your relationships are to be the bridge connecting others.

6.    Being a creator helps you to form those relationships at scale.

7.    Consistency is an important part of building trust with your audience.

8.    Consistency comes at a high cost – your time. Are you willing to commit that?

9.    Find ways to create value for others first. Worry about capturing part of it once you've solved for creating it.

10. Writing doesn’t need to be profound – it needs to be relatable.

11. When you're telling a story, don't be the hero. The viewer is the hero, and you are there to be a guide.

12. Your trajectory is more likely to be quickly impacted by distribution rather than quality of work.

13. Play nicely with search and discovery engines – their distribution will help you build more quickly.

14. Ultimately, even if you have distribution, you need to be sharing your unique voice.

15. You need reps to build confidence and find your voice. So don't beat yourself up if you prioritize reps ahead of discovery.

16. This all takes a long time – so start ASAP!

17. Find a platform and medium you enjoy. You’ll need enjoy the process long before you can ever enjoy the results.

18. In the beginning, you will still be feeling things out. But you'll know when things feel directionally correct.

19. Once you decide what you want to create and share with the world, raise your quality standards.

20. As you really narrow in on your direction, try to be world class.

21. Audio, video, and editing skills will save you a lot of money and cost you a lot of time.

22. No matter the medium, you'll still need to get comfortable with writing.

23. Start with ConvertKit to get the word out.

24. Don’t even look at who unsubscribed.

25. Your early subscribers will be friends, family, and haters (almost all of whom aren't your target audience).

26. You'll see a dip in attention a few weeks or months after starting. That's OK – it's just a cleansing.

27. Don’t let money affect your expression. Find ways of earning an income so you don't poison your work.

28. When you’re afraid to hit publish, that’s probably your best content. Listen to that signal and follow through.

29. Rejection gets a lot easier. Once you're comfortable with it, that's a superpower.

30. Your "launches" will be underwhelming. Be thankful for the small wins.

31. People will be less supportive than you’d think. But no one owes you anything. Be grateful for every ounce of support.

32. You can stand out by being personally supportive of other creatives. Be a power up.

33. Don’t react emotionally. Pause, reflect, and respond appropriately.

34. If you don’t want to do __, don’t tell yourself that you have to. If you hate doing it, we will sense it.

35. Do one platform/medium well. Focus is a skill.

36. You need to be willing to share your ideas and your work. Otherwise, you can’t help anyone.

37. A “niche” can be created at the intersection of your unique interests or talents.

38. Plan your time around when you have your best creative energy.

39. Being polarizing leads to faster growth. That doesn’t mean it’s worth it.

40. Your opinions will change. That’s OK—just be honest about it.

If any of these resonate with you, I'd love to hear it! Reply and let me know.


Declarations of immediacy.

Spotify Declare this word right now in the name of Jesus. In the beginning of the year, we received the scripture in Matt 11:12 as our key...